Tag Archives: Grant Runner

Before you begin using Grant Runner, you need to:

  • Find an eligible funding opportunity
  • Register with eRA Commons
  • Get access to SAGE

Find an Eligible Funding Opportunity

To search for eligible grant opportunities, go to the Grants.gov Search Grants page. When you find a relevant NIH opportunity, be sure to make a note of the funding opportunity number. You will need this when you complete the Grant Runner wizard.

Register with eRA Commons

PIs (Principal Investigators) applying for grants from the NIH must have an account on the electronic Research Administration Commons (eRA Commons) website. eRA Commons serves as a virtual meeting place where the NIH exchanges information with its grantees and applicants can track their applications.

Please note the following:

  • Registration produces an ID, which you must enter in the credential field on the RR Senior/Key Profile Component. NIH will reject your application without the PD/PI Commons ID.
  • This is a one-time registration. Once a PI creates an account, be sure to enter the same PD/PI Commons ID each time that PI applies for NIH funds.
  • Make a note of the information used to register at eRA Commons. The PI information within the grant application should match this information as closely as possible.
  • For a link to the eRA Commons registration page and additional information, see NIH’s Registration Requirements for Electronic Submission.

Get Access to SAGE

SAGE (System to Administer Grants Electronically) is the UW system through which you submit your grant materials to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). In order to use SAGE, you have must have access. SAGE uses the UW Access to Systems, Tools, Resources and Applications (ASTRA) tool.

Log into SAGE at www.sage.washington.edu.

If you have difficulty logging in, contact your unit’s ASTRA administrator to ensure you have a role.

Create a Grant Runner Application in SAGE

You will use the Grant Runner Wizard to create your application. The wizard will step you through a series of questions to verify if your application is eligible to use the automated submission process. You will need to provide the Funding Opportunity ID to complete the wizard. This ID is listed in the synopsis for each grant opportunity on Grants.gov.

The Grant Runner Wizard provides tools for you to look up UW organizational codes, sponsors, and Principal Investigators. The Wizard data will automatically populate parts of your eGC1 and SF424 forms, so you do not have to enter the same information more than once.

Helpful Reminders

  • The Sponsor’s Application Instructions document and Program Announcement (PA) should always be the primary source of information regarding important criteria, such as page count, file size, and document types required by the sponsoring agency.
  • All documents that are attached to the SF424 (R&R) form must be in PDF format.

SAGE – the System to Administer Grants Electronically – is the web-based system used by faculty, researchers, administrators and staff.

You can stay up-to-date on changes in SAGE (and FIDS) by subscribing to our Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) News.

The core SAGE system allows you to carry out several tasks:

  • SAGE Budget helps you create an accurate budget for your grant proposal. It auto-populates data from the payroll and financial systems, helps you select proper rates, and calculates totals automatically.
    • You can connect a budget to a standard or Grant Runner eGC1 to populate budget data.
    • You will need to connect a budget to an Award Setup Request.
  • eGC1 Forms are the electronic Grants and Contracts forms you use to route your grant proposal through the University’s internal compliance process.
  • Grant Runner applications combine the eGC1 and sponsor forms for some NIH funding opportunities requiring SF424 R&R forms, including Modular, Detailed and Subaward Budgets. With the click of a button, OSP can electronically submit your application via Grants.gov to the sponsor.
  • Approvals is the electronic routing engine that stages eGC1s, Advances, and Award Setup Requests for approval by associated departments, colleges, compliance offices, and the Office of Sponsored Programs.
  • Advances creates an online request form for an advance budget number.
  • Awards allows you to create Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests.
  • Subawards submits a request for a new subaward or a modification of an existing one.

September 2023 Awards Updates and Grant Runner Forms-H

New Features & Completed Updates

  • Search in Award Requests List: Users can now search in the Award Requests list by eGC1 ID or Request ID (Advance, Award Setup Request, or Modification Request).
  • Change the Linked SAGE Budget from an Award Setup Request: Users can now disconnect a mistakenly connected SAGE Budget from an Award Setup Request in “Composing,” “Returned,” or “Withdrawn” status.
  • Required Field Validations: The Award Setup Requests will now show a validation message if the worksheet/award line PI or Security Grant Hierarchy are missing. Users will be guided back to the SAGE Budget worksheet settings to make those updates.
  • Cost Centers in Copied eGC1s: When an eGC1 is copied, the Cost Centers from the original eGC1 will now flow to the copy and be added to the approval graph automatically. Only active Cost Centers will be copied.
  • Error Message Improvements: Award Setup Requests and Modification Request error pages will now display additional information to assist with troubleshooting.
  • Grant Runner Updated with FORMS-H
    • FORMS-H Research Plan Form Now Available in Grant Runner: The updated PHS 398 Research Plan form is available for National Institutes of Health (NIH) applications. This update will support the high volume opportunities due early October, such as R01, R03, and R21 types. For more information, review our previous NIH FORMS-H announcement.
    • Legal Names on Forms: As a result of the SAGE changeover to display preferred name on eGC1s, an adjustment was made to Grant Runner forms to instead show Legal Name by default for the PD/PI, since this is most often the name that matches the eRACommons account. The legal name will now sync across SF424, Key Persons, and RR Budget forms for the PD/PI. In the future, we will add a feature to allow users to explicitly identify what their eRACommons name and login is to further reduce discrepancies and allow submissions to go through more smoothly.
    • Future FORMS-H Releases: The PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental form and PHS Fellowship Supplemental form are targeted for release in Grant Runner later this fall.
  • Budget Visibility on Award Setup Requests: An issue was resolved where budget detail on Award Setup Requests was at times not showing for items that were in a read-only state for the user, such as “Processed.”

The information on this page is organized by Activity Categories/Program, based on the National Institutes of Health mapping.

NOTE: * All activity codes listed with a (*) next to it are listed twice within the table depending on budget form used; the application package will include a 5 YR budget unless the FOA project Period Exception flag is Y (Yes).

Activity Category Grant Runner Supported Activity Codes
Basic Research

(Modular, RR 5 Yr Budget or Dual Budget)

YES R01*, R03 (NIH), R15, R21, R34, RF1, UF1, U34, UC4*, U01*, DP5*, UP5*, UH2, UA5,RL1,

G07, G08*, G11*, G13*, R03 (AHRQ), R13, U13, R18, U18, R25, R38,R33, R36, S11*, RC1*, RC2*, RC3, RC4, S07*, DP4, DP7*, R24*, U24*, RM1*, UM1*, UG1*, UH3, UH4*, UH1, UC2, R50,R28, UE5,

SC1, SC2, SC3, R16

Basic Research

(RR 10 Yr Budget)

NO R35, SI2/R00, G08*, G11*, G13*, R21/R33, S11*, UH2/UH3, RC1*, RC2*, S07*, DP7*, R24*, U24*, RM1*, UM1*, UG1*, R61/R33, UH4*, UG3/UH3, R01*, UC4*, U01*, DP5*, UP5*
Endowment Program YES S21*, S22*
Endowment Program (RR 10 Yr Budget) NO S21*, S22*
SBIR Program NO R43, R44,U43, U44, SB1, UB1
STTR Program NO R41, R42, UT1, UT2
Shared Instrumentation Program Modular Budget only S10
NIH Director Awards Modular Budget only DP1, DP2, R00
Targeted Research Award Modular Budget only DP3
Construction Program NO C06/UC6, G20
Pre-Application YES X02, OT1
Resource Award YES X01
Career Development (5 Yr Budget) NO K01*,K02*, K05*, K07*, K08*, K18*, K22*, K23*, K24*,K25*, K26*, K76*, K43*, K38
Career Development (10 Yr Budget) NO K01*,K02*, K05*, K07*, K08*, K18*, K22*, K23*, K24*,K25*, K26*, K99/R00, K76*, K43*, K38
Fellowship Program NO F05, F30, F31, F32, F33, F37, F38, FI2, F99/K00
Training Grants NO T15, T32, T34, T35, T36,

D43, K12, U2R,

T37, D71,

T01, T02, T03, T14, T42, T90, T90/R90, TU2


This optional form allows you to enter data about your modular budget. The Modular Grant application does not require a categorical breakdown of direct costs requested in the application; however, other requirements still apply. Review the application directions for specific modular instructions.

For more information about the use of Modular Budgets, view the NIH Modular Research Grant Applications page.

Project Information

  • The Project Start Date and End Date display for reference. You can change these values on the eGC1 Details page.
  • The Cognizant Agency and Indirect Cost Rate Agreement Date are the same for all Grant Runner applications. The system pre-populates the values.

Budget Periods

When you click Add New Budget Periods an accordion will open for you to enter the data for the period.

The system pre-populates the Budget Period Start and End Dates based on your project dates. You can change the values.

For each budget period you will need to enter the following data:

  • A. Direct Costs
    • Direct Cost Less Consortium F&A ($)
    • Consortium F&A ($)
    • Total Direct Costs ($) are calculated for you

Budget Period Dates and Direct Costs

  • Indirect Costs
    • Indirect Cost Type Description (MTDC, TDC, or other)
    • Indirect Cost Rate (%) (minimum of 1% for NIH)
    • Indirect Cost Base ($)
    • Funds Requested are calculated for you

Indirect costs entry

If you need additional entries for Indirect Costs, use the Add New B. Indirect Costs button to create another data entry row.

  • Total Indirect Costs ($) are calculated for you
  • Total Direct and Indirect Costs ($) are calculated for you

See  GIM 13 Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rates for more information.

You can click Collapse to close the accordion at any time.

The periods you entered will display on the page with dates and total values. The last row of the table will display the overall totals.

Budget Periods list

To Make Changes: Click on the Expand link to make changes to the data entered.
To Remove a Period: Use the Delete link to remove the period from the list.

Cumulative Budget

The system calculates the values for this section. You can expand the section accordion to review the values.

Budget Justification Attachments

The budget justification is an important section in any proposal. Use it to state why an item costs what it does, and to indicate how each item relates to the research plan. Be sure to provide sufficiently detailed information to address all sponsor concerns with respect to cost and need. In general, explanations should be more detailed for competing than for non-competing applications (Include project salary, percent effort, fringe benefits, travel, supplies, analyses, equipment, F&A rate and unallowable costs.)

You can add attachments for Personnel Justification, Consortium Justification and Additional Narrative Justification. Consult your sponsor instructions to determine which of these you might want to add.

In the Consortium Justification, list the individuals and/or organizations with whom you have (or will) make consortium or contractual arrangements, the percent of effort of key personnel and their role on the project, and indicate whether the collaborating organization is foreign or domestic. If you propose a contract/consortium arrangement, include a letter of commitment or intent.

Note: For NIH applications submitting a Data Management and Sharing Plan, Data Management, Sharing Costs and a brief Data Management and Sharing Justification must be provided as part of the Additional Narrative Justification

The following image shows the attachments section:

modular budget justification attachments section

Note: If you connect a SAGE Budget to your Grant Runner application when using the RR Detailed Budget, the system will automatically add periods and data to the RR Detailed Budget form. The form will become read-only, except for the link to add the Budget Justification attachment. In addition, a link to the Sponsor Budget Map page will appear on the left navigation menu. The Sponsor Budget Map shows how your SAGE Budget data flows into the RR Detailed Budget form.

The information on this page covers an application without a connected SAGE Budget.

This help page covers the following sections of the budget:

Section C: Equipment

In a new budget period, this section has headings and an Add New Equipment button.

Each time you click the button, a new row displays, as shown.

detailed budget equipment section

Equipment Item
Enter a description of the item.
Funds Requested
Enter the dollar amount of the item. The UW has a $2,000 minimum amount for equipment costs which overrides the Grants.Gov $5,000 minimum.
Total Equipment Costs
This is a calculated field and is the sum of all of the items and the total from the attachment, if included.

Maximum Items Rule

You can add up to a maximum of 10 items. Once the maximum is reached, the Add New Equipment button is no longer selectable. A link to add an attachment, summarizing any additional equipment costs, will appear.  The attachment is not required.

section c equipment attachment link

If you do add the attachment, then you must enter the total costs of the equipment described in the attachment.

section c equipment total costs for attachment

Section D: Travel

Use this section to enter domestic or foreign travel costs, if any.

The Total Travel Cost field is automatically calculated for you.

section d travel

Section E: Participant/Trainee Support Costs

Use this section to enter any costs related to participant and/or trainee support. Be sure to enter the Number of Participants/Trainees following the totals line.

Note: You must enter  both a description and the dollar amount if you use the Other (specify) row.

The Total Participants/Trainee Support Costs field is automatically calculated for you.

section e participant trainee support

Section F: Other Direct Costs

Use this section to enter in any other direct costs for your proposal. You can include up to 10 custom descriptions with values. If you add a description, you must enter a value.  Similarly, if you add a value, you must enter a description.

Note: For applications submitting a Data Management and Sharing Plan, Data Management and Sharing Costs must be noted as a single line item.

The Total Other Direct Costs value is automatically calculated for you.

The following image shows this section:

section f other direct costs

Section G: Direct Costs

This section displays the calculated total for sections A through F.

section g direct costs

Section H: Indirect Costs

By default, a new budget period will include one blank Indirect Cost row. OSP requires at least one set of data.

indirect costs

If you need to add additional rows, select the Add New Indirect Cost button. You may add up to a maximum of 4 indirect costs. Once the maximum is reached, the Add New Indirect Cost button is no longer selectable.

Each row includes a Delete link at the far right which will completely remove the row and all of its data values.

The Total Indirect Costs field is automatically calculated for you.

section h indirect costs with added row

Section I: Total Direct and Indirect Costs

This section displays the calculated total for all direct (Section G) and indirect (Section H) costs for this budget period.

section I total direct and indirect costs

Section J: Fee

This section displays the entered value for any fees associated with this budget period.

section j fee

Note: a Subaward budget does not include this section.

Section K: Total Costs and Fee

The section displays the total of sections I and J for this budget period.

section k total costs and fee

Note: a Subaward budget does not include this section.

You must include this NIH form with your application. For descriptions of the attachments, see the specific instructions for your opportunity and OSP’s Grants.gov page.

Use the corresponding links to add each attachment. Follow the formatting and length specifications in the sponsor’s instructions for each specific attachment. All attachments must be PDFs. For general information about managing Grant Runner attachments, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.

Grant Runner File Names: All Grant Runner attachment names must be unique across all forms. The NIH allows file names that contain alpha-numeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_), followed by a single period (.) and the extension “pdf” in lowercase. NIH does not allow spaces in the file name.


1.  Introduction to Application (for RESUBMISSION or REVISIONS only)

Note: This will only display for the appropriate application types.

Research Plan Section

2.  Specific Aims

The NIH requires the Specific Aims attachment unless otherwise specified in the Funding Opportunity Announcement.

3.  Research Strategy

Required for all applications.

4.  Progress Report Publication List

List the titles and complete references to all appropriate publications, manuscripts accepted for publication, patents, and other printed materials that have resulted from the project since it was last reviewed competitively.

Other Research Plan Section

5.  Vertebrate Animals

Complete this section if you answered Yes to the question Are Vertebrate Animals Used? on the R&R Other Project Information Form.

6.  Select Agent Research

Select agents are hazardous biological agents and toxins which DHHS or USDA have identified as having the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal and plant products. The CDC and the Animal APHIS Select Agent Programs jointly maintain a list of these agents at http://www.selectagents.gov/.

7.  Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan

For applications designating multiple PD/PIs, you must include a leadership plan.

8.  Consortium/Contractual Arrangements

Explain the programmatic, fiscal, and administrative arrangements to be made between the applicant organization and the consortium organization(s).

9.  Letters of Support

Provide all appropriate letters of support, including any letters necessary to demonstrate the support of consortium participants and collaborators such as Senior/Key Personnel and Other Significant Contributors included in the grant application.

10.  Resource Sharing Plan(s)

NIH considers the sharing of unique research resources developed through NIH-sponsored research an important means to enhance the value and further the advancement of the research. When you have developed resources with NIH funds and published the associated research findings or provided them to NIH, it is important that the resources are readily available for research purposes to qualified individuals within the scientific community.

11.  Other Plan(s)

The NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan can be attached here.

12.  Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources

Not required.


13.  Appendix

According to OSP, you should only add an appendix if it is specifically called for in the instructions. Otherwise, it may affect your submission.

You can upload one or more PDF documents (maximum of 10) to satisfy the sponsor requirements for this section.

You must include this NIH form with your application if the Activity Code is a K type. For descriptions of the attachments, see the specific instructions for your opportunity and OSP’s Grants.gov page.

Use the corresponding links to add each attachment. Follow the formatting and length specifications in the sponsor’s instructions for each specific attachment. All attachments must be PDFs. For general information about managing Grant Runner attachments, including file naming rules, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.


1.  Introduction to Application

Note: This will only display for the application types of Resubmission and Revision. NIH requires the attachment.

Candidate Section

2. Candidate Information and Goals for Career Development

Required for all NIH applications.

Research Plan Section

3.  Specific Aims

The NIH requires the Specific Aims attachment unless otherwise specified in the Funding Opportunity Announcement.

4.  Research Strategy

Required for all applications.

5.  Progress Report Publication List

Note: This will only display for the application type of  Renewal.

List the titles and complete references to all appropriate publications, manuscripts accepted for publication, patents, and other printed materials that have resulted from the project since it was last reviewed competitively.

6. Training in Responsible Conduct of Research

Required for all NIH applications.

Other Candidate Information Section

7. Candidate’s Plan to Provide Mentoring

This is required for some NIH funding opportunities.

Mentor, Co-Mentor, Consultant, Collaborators Section

8. Plans and Statements of Mentor and Co-Mentor(s)

This is required for some NIH funding opportunities.

9. Letters of Support

Provide all appropriate letters of support, including any letters necessary to demonstrate the support of consortium participants and collaborators such as Senior/Key Personnel and Other Significant Contributors included in the grant application.

Environment and Institutional Commitment to Candidate Section

10. Description of Institutional Environment

This is required for some NIH funding opportunities.

11. Institutional Commitment to Candidate’s Research Career Development

This is required for some NIH funding opportunities.

12. Description of Candidate’s Contribution to the Program goals

This may be required for some NIH funding opportunities.

Other Research Plan Section

13.  Vertebrate Animals

Complete this section if you answered Yes to the question Are Vertebrate Animals Used? on the R&R Other Project Information Form.

14.  Select Agent Research

Select agents are hazardous biological agents and toxins which DHHS or USDA have identified as having the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal and plant products. The CDC and the Animal APHIS Select Agent Programs jointly maintain a list of these agents at http://www.selectagents.gov/.

15.  Consortium/Contractual Arrangements

Explain the programmatic, fiscal, and administrative arrangements to be made between the applicant organization and the consortium organization(s). Check your funding opportunity instructions to determine if the attachment is required.

16.  Resource Sharing Plan(s)

NIH considers the sharing of unique research resources developed through NIH-sponsored research an important means to enhance the value and further the advancement of the research. When you have developed resources with NIH funds and published the associated research findings or provided them to NIH, it is important that the resources are readily available for research purposes to qualified individuals within the scientific community.

17. Other Plan(s)

The NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan will be provided in this new attachment.  Updated instructions accordingly.

18. Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources

This is an optional attachment.

Appendix Section

19. Appendix

According to OSP, you should only add an appendix if it is specifically called for in the instructions. Otherwise, it may affect your submission.

You can upload one or more PDF documents (maximum of 10) to satisfy the sponsor requirements for this section.

Citizen Section

U.S. Citizen or Non-Citizen National?

You must answer Yes or No to this question. If you answer No, the following question will display.

If no, select most appropriate Non-U.S. Citizen option

The options are:

      • Permanent U.S. Resident Visa
      • Temporary U.S. Visa
      • Not residing in U.S.

If you select “Temporary U.S. Visa” the following optional statement appears.  Check the box, if appropriate.

If you are a non-U.S. citizen with a temporary visa applying for an award that requires permanent residency status, and expect to be granted a permanent resident visa by the start date of the award, check here.

You must include this NIH form with your application for a fellowship opportunity. For descriptions of the attachments, see the specific instructions for your opportunity and OSP’s Grants.gov page.

Use the corresponding links to add each attachment. Follow the formatting and length specifications in the sponsor’s instructions for each specific attachment. All attachments must be PDFs. For general information about managing Grant Runner attachments, including the rules for naming your PDF, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.


1.  Introduction to Application (for Resubmission or Revision applications)

Note: This will only display for the appropriate application types.

Fellowship Applicant Section

2.  Applicant Background and Goals for Fellowship Training

Required for all applications.

Research Training Plan Section

3.  Specific Aims

Required for all applications.

4.  Research Strategy

Required for all applications.

5.  Respective Contributions

Required for all applications.

6.  Selection of Sponsor and Institution

Required for all applications.

7.  Progress Report Publication List (for Renewal applications)

Required for renewal applications.

8.  Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research

Required for all applications.

Sponsor(s), Collaborator(s), and Consultant(s) Section

9.  Sponsor and Co-Sponsor Statements

Required for all applications.

10.  Letters of Support from Collaborators, Contributors, and Consultants

Required for all applications.

Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training Section

11.  Description of Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training

Required for all applications.

12. Description of Candidate’s Contribution to the Program goals

Required for all applications.

 Other Research Training Plan Section

Are Vertebrate Animals Used?

The Yes or No choice for this item is taken from the RR Other Project Information form and repeated here for your reference. Any change to this item must be made on that form.

13.  Are vertebrate animals euthanized?

Select Yes or No. If you answer Yes, then the following question appears:

Is method consistent with American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) guidelines?

If you answer No, then use the text box to describe the method used and provide scientific justification.

14.  Vertebrate Animals

Required for all applications.

15.  Select Agent Research

Select agents are hazardous biological agents and toxins which DHHS or USDA have identified as having the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal and plant products. The CDC and the Animal APHIS Select Agent Programs jointly maintain a list of these agents at http://www.selectagents.gov/.

16.  Resource Sharing Plan(s)

NIH considers the sharing of unique research resources developed through NIH-sponsored research an important means to enhance the value and further the advancement of the research. When you have developed resources with NIH funds and published the associated research findings or provided them to NIH, it is important that the resources are readily available for research purposes to qualified individuals within the scientific community.

17. Other Plan(s)

Although NIH Data Sharing Policies are not applicable to fellowship applications, the attachment was added for potential future use with other plans.

18. Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources

Required for all applications.

Additional Information Section

19. Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Select Yes if this application involves the use and/or creation of human embryonic stem cells in any portion of this research project.

If you answer Yes, additional fields will display. You will need to either use the check box to indicate that the specific cell line cannot be referenced at this time or enter the specific line(s) being used.

To enter cell line information, click on the Add New Cell Line Registration Numbers button. This will display a text box in which you can enter the cell line registration number. Click the button again to add more cell lines as needed up to a maximum of 200 stem cell lines. For more information, see GIM 36 Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Policy and Guidelines and the NIH’s Stem Cell Registry.

20. Alternate Phone Number

Enter a phone number.

21. Degree Sought During Proposed Award

Select the appropriate degree from the drop-down menu and indicate the Expected Completion Date.

22. Field of Training for Current Proposal

Select the appropriate field from the drop-down menu.

23. Current or Prior Kirschstein-NRSA Support?

Select Yes or No. If you answer Yes, complete the additional fields.

24. Applications for Concurrent Support

Select Yes or No.

25. Citizen

Select Yes or No. If you answer No, the following question will display.

If no, select most appropriate Non-U.S. Citizen option

The options are: Permanent U.S. Resident Visa or Temporary U.S. Visa.

If you select “Temporary U.S. Visa” the following optional statement appears.  Check the box, if appropriate.

If you are a non-U.S. citizen with a temporary visa applying for an award that requires permanent residency status, and expect to be granted a permanent resident visa by the start date of the award, check here.

26. Change of Sponsoring Institution

Select Yes or No. If you answer Yes, then enter the name of the former institution.

Budget Section

27. Tuition and Fees

Select Funds Requested or None Requested. If you select Funds Requested, then enter the appropriate dollar amounts for Year 1 through Year 6. The system will calculate the Total Funds Requested.

28. Childcare Costs

Select Funds Requested or None Requested. If you select Funds Requested, then enter the appropriate dollar amounts for Year 1 through Year 6. The system will calculate the Total Funds Requested.

29. Present Institutional Base Salary

Enter the Amount, select the appropriate Academic Period from the drop-down menu, and enter the Number of Months.

30. Stipends/Salary During First Year of Proposed Fellowship

In part a. Federal Stipend Requested, enter the Amount and Number of Months.

In part b. Supplementation from Other Sources, enter the Amount, the Number of Months, the Type, and the Source.


31. Appendix

You can upload one or more PDF documents (maximum of 10) to satisfy the sponsor requirements for this section, if your opportunity instructions specifically call for it.