Tag Archives: Grant Runner

February 2019 SAGE Maintenance Release

General SAGE Suite Maintenance Items


Submission deadline warning notification no longer sent for RRF eGC1s

Principal Investigators and Preparers of eGC1s to the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) will no longer receive the automated email sent from SAGE 3-6 days prior to the Sponsor Deadline when the proposal is marked as not ready for submission. This notification was not applicable to RRF proposals and caused confusion.

SAGE Budget

Add links to connected eGC1s and Budgets on SAGE task lists

When an eGC1 is connected to a SAGE Budget, links between the two will now display on the My eGC1s and My Budgets task lists, making it quicker and easier to navigate between the two.

my e g c 1 page showing connected budget link

my budgets page showing connected e g c 1 link

Prefix and/or Suffix fields added for personnel in SAGE Budget

Users can now enter a Prefix and/or Suffix for personnel in SAGE Budget. These will display on the Budget worksheet, and when using the Grant Runner Budget Sync feature will flow directly to the NIH RR Detailed Budget form on the connected eGC1. This ensures personnel will display on the sponsor form with their preferred titles/credentials.

Budget Sync performance improvements

The new Grant Runner Budget Sync feature has been optimized to now perform faster, allowing users to complete their proposals more quickly.

SAGE Grant Runner

Allow Grant Runner eGC1s to route with Grants.gov and NIH errors

The Certify & Route page of the eGC1 has been updated to make routing choices more clear and intuitive.

Additionally, when using a Grant Runner eGC1, as long as the eGC1 is marked “Ready to Submit” = No, users will now be allowed to route their eGC1s for review while there are still outstanding NIH and Grants.gov errors.

A new warning displays on Certify & Route page when there are grants.gov and/or NIH errors:

example of warning message


Add Award Modification Number to Cycle View

The Cycle view in SPAERC has been updated to include a “Mod Nbr” column to reflect Award Modification Numbers on Funding Actions and Modification Numbers on Subaward Actions.

Changes to Defaulting Behavior on Funding Actions

Defaulting logic for the Disposition and Carryover fields on Funding Actions has been revised to improve data accuracy.

  • If Payment type is changed to Cost Reimbursable from another value, then the Disposition of Balance field is reset to “Not Applicable”
  • If Payment type is changed to Letter of Credit from another value, then the Disposition of Balance field is reset to “Not Applicable”
  • If Sponsor is changed to Royalty Research Fund (RRF) from another value, then
    • Disposition of Balance field is reset to “Return to Sponsor”
    • Carryover is reset to “Automatic Carryover”
  • If SNAP is checked after a value is already set in the Carryover field, then the Carryover value is reset to “Automatic Carryover”

OSP Team C assignment updates

The rules that govern who the default OSP reviewer will be for eGC1s that have been routed for review have been updated to facilitate the appropriate eGC1s being assigned to OSP’s new Contracts Team. eGC1s will be assigned to the Team C Administrator under the following conditions:

  • Application Type = Non-Award Agreement (new) or Non-Award Agreement (continuation)
  • After the Fact (ATF) is marked “Yes” and the Sponsor Type is “Private Industry” or “Foreign Private Industry”


Add validation in SERA for missing short title

The Short Title on Funding Actions is now required in SERA prior to save in order to resolve an error that occurred when the Short Title was saved blank.

January 2019 SAGE Budget Rounding

Feature Highlights: Improving SAGE Budget Usability

The SAGE team will be focusing the next six months on expanding and improving SAGE Budget capabilities, and streamlining proposal budgeting processes. This is the initial release in a series of SAGE Budget improvements to come in 2019.

SAGE Budget Rounding Changes

The SAGE Budget approach to rounding has been changed to better match user expectations and needs. These changes will facilitate accurate integration of budget data into sponsor budget forms when using the new Budget Sync feature.


Historically, SAGE Budget has used display-only rounding for individual expense items, and banker’s rounding for totals.

Display-only rounding is the equivalent of using the decimal display setting in Excel versus the round() formula. With display-only rounding, you may see a $5 on screen, but the stored value may really be $4.60. This can be confusing for users when viewing totals of display-rounded numbers.

For example, you might see:

$5 + $5 = $9 when the underlying values are $4.6 + $4.6 = $9.2 (rounded to $9)

The old display-only approach to rounding also resulted in an inability to fully reconcile SAGE Budget numbers to sponsor budget formats, where sponsor budgets require whole dollar entries.

Key Rounding Changes:

  • Display-only rounding of expenses will no longer be used in SAGE Budget. Rounding is now applied to each expense individually, not just to budget sum totals.
  • Budget sub-totals and totals now display the sum of the rounded expense totals.
  • Banker’s rounding has been replaced by Rounding Up approach on tie break. (Example: When rounding to whole dollars, $2.50 will now round up to $3, instead of down to $2.)
  • Users now have the choice to round to whole dollars or to cents (new!) or to not round.
  • When Grant Runner Budget Sync feature is used, the rounded values will flow to the RR Detailed Budget with 100% accuracy.

These changes to rounding in SAGE Budget will result in a clearer, more intuitive approach to display of rounded values that accurately matches sponsor budgets that require whole dollars entry.

Important Note for Existing Budgets:

Existing budgets set to whole dollar rounding at time of go-live will be migrated to the following settings:

  • Rounding is changed to Do Not Round
  • Decimals display is changed to 0
  • Banker’s rounding is used on tie

These settings will maintain the integrity of historical budgets and to allow users to make intentional decisions on whether to apply the new rounding methodology to active budgets.

When you Copy a budget with the above legacy settings, the new budget (and any child sub budgets) will automatically convert to the new rounding settings.

Converting Existing Budgets to New Round Approach:

To convert your existing budget to the new rounding approach, go to the Properties tab of your main worksheet, and select the appropriate rounding option.

When you change the rounding settings in the Properties for your parent budget, all sub-budgets will inherit that same rounding setting as well.

SAGE Budget: Period Updates Screen Improvements

Dynamic Update of Expense Totals

Users will no longer need to manually SAVE between changes to expenses to see the sub-total and totals update. Entry of personnel and other expenses will trigger a recalculation and refresh of the expense totals upon navigating away from the field where the entry occurred.

SAGE Budget: Properties and Settings Improvements

To improve the usability of the Properties and Advanced Settings pages, the following adjustments have been made:

Properties Tab Changes

  • The Properties page has been streamlined to combine what was formerly the Advanced Properties onto the main Properties page, for added visibility and convenience
  • New section headings add clarity to the choices available
  • New help text guides users when making selections
  • The same above changes have been applied to the Properties portion of the Budget Setup Wizard
  • The Properties page now has improved keyboard accessibility
  • As mentioned in the Rounding section above, the rounding setting now includes an additional option to round to Cents, in addition to Whole Dollar and No Rounding options.

Targets and Limits Tab Changes

  • Users will now enable Targets and Limits from the Targets and Limits tab.
  • The Budget Setup Wizard no longer includes the Enable Targets and Limits question, and will instead be enabled from the Targets and Limits tab upon completion of the wizard setup.

General SAGE Suite Maintenance Items


Discontinuation of Human Subjects Just In Time Reminder Email

The email notification sent from SAGE to PIs and Administrators at Just in Time when human subjects is marked as YES on the eGC1, has been discontinued. Campus feedback indicated that this email often caused confusion, since it was not an official notice of action from the sponsor, and that the reminder was not helpful to their processes.

Fix: Display of Activity Locations and Non-Fiscal Compliance Page

The Activity Locations and Non-Fiscal Compliance pages were displaying beyond the right border for Internet Explorer users, causing read-only users in SAGE to be unable to access certain expand/collapse controls on the page. The issue has been resolved.

SAGE Budget

Update to APL Manual Entries in SAGE Budget

SAGE Budget has been updated to clarify to which APL expenses can be manually entered (sub-object codes 19-00 and 19-20) and which are based on the APL setting on the Properties tab (sub-object codes 19-10 and 19-40).

SAGE Grant Runner

Fix: Cognizant Federal Agency POC Field Display – RR Subaward Budget

An issue with display of the Cognizant Federal Agency POC field on the RR Subaward Budget form has been resolved. The saved data is now displaying as expected on the Grant Runner form.

Link to Sponsor Budget Map from RR Detailed Budget

Users will now see a convenient link to the Sponsor Budget Map page from the header of the RR Detailed Budget page, when using Budget Sync. This will serve as a helpful reminder to users that this new page exists and may need actions on their part to fully sync data from SAGE Budget to the RR Detailed Budget.


Clearance Email and PDF Attachment Updates

The clearance email, sent from the AUMS system, has been updated to clarify contact and other helpful information for recipients.


Fix: Update to Display of SFI Percent Ownership in Reviewer Module

The SFI Percent Ownership has been updated to address a display issue caused by a rounding setting in the FIDS reviewer module.

November 2018 Grant Runner Budget Sync

Sync SAGE Budget to Grant Runner RR Detailed Budget

eGC1 preparers using Grant Runner now have a new feature that allows them to sync a connected SAGE Budget to the NIH RR Detailed Budget. This capability provides a more streamlined experience for preparers by reducing redundant entry. It also eliminates the need for reviewers to cross check the various parts of the application where budget data is stored.


  • Personnel and expense data flows directly from SAGE Budget to RR Detailed Budget, when connected.
  • When updates are made to a connected SAGE Budget the changes will automatically flow to the RR Detailed budget.
  • On the new Sponsor Budget Map page on the left navigation, the following actions can be taken:
    • View or change the default flow of data from SAGE Budget to the RR Detailed Budget
    • Define custom personnel roles and custom categories for other direct costs
    • Customize the order of Personnel with an easy drag & drop feature
    • Identify Participant Support Costs, and associated numbers of participants
  • When users disconnect a SAGE Budget they have the option to keep or clear the data in the eGC1 budget page and the RR Detailed Budget.

What to expect

Connecting your SAGE Budget to a Grant Runner eGC1 with an RR Detailed Budget form triggers the two budgets to sync. When the sync occurs a new Sponsor Budget Map page displays on the left navigation menu and the RR Detailed Budget form becomes read-only. Changes to where the data flows to on the RR Detailed Budget can be made on the Sponsor Budget Map page. Additions and deletions of expenses or changes to expense amounts will be made on the SAGE Budget. The Budget Justification attachment will still be attached on the RR Detailed Budget directly.

  • Finance & Administrative (F&A) flows to section H. Indirect Costs on the RR Detailed Budget with one row per distinct F&A rate and base type combination.
  • The Sponsor Budget Map displays how data flows from SAGE Budget to RR Detailed Budget. SAGE Budget expense items are grouped into sections by Object code. Within each section they are ordered by sub-object code. SAGE Budget data is displayed on the left side of the page. The RR Detailed Budget expense category to which the expense will flow is shown on the right side.
  • Reorder Personnel. Use the drag and drop functionality in the Salaries and Wages section of the Sponsor Budget Map page for easy reordering of Senior/Key personnel.
  • Define Custom Personnel Roles. Drop-down menus allow for remapping to several default personnel project roles or you can create a custom role.
  • Change Defaulted Data Flow. Many expense categories can be changed to flow the data from SAGE Budget to an alternate category on the RR Detailed Budget. Use the drop-down menus at right to specify any changes to the flow.

SAGE Budget Changes (Enablers)

The following changes were made to SAGE Budget, in order to fully meet the data needs of the RR Detailed Budget.

  • Application PI Role Added. Users will now see the Application PI role available in the personnel section of SAGE Budget. Personnel assigned to the role Application PI on the SAGE Budget will flow through to the RR Detailed Budget as the Principal Investigator (PD/PI). If the SAGE Budget had a PI listed in addition to the Application PI, the PI will flow to the RR Detailed Budget under the role of Faculty, and that role can be modified on the Sponsor Budget Map if necessary.
  • Additional Role Updates. The Fellow role is no longer available in SAGE budget. , iInstead new roles have been added to match those in the RR Detailed Budget. The new roles include: Faculty, Post Doctoral Associate, Graduate Student, Undergraduate Student, Secretarial/Clerical.
  • TBD & Non-UW Personnel: Monthly Salaries Now Editable. In order to identify Base Salary on the RR Detailed budget for TBD and Non-UW Personnel, the UW Monthly Salary and Clinical Monthly Salary fields are now editable in the SAGE Budget personnel entry section (for TBD and Non-UW Personnel entries only).
  • Travel Destination Logic Modified. In order to improve data quality and reduce the need for adjustments to the budget, the travel destination (domestic or foreign) will now default based on the sub-object code chosen by the user. If “foreign” is explicitly referenced in the sub-object code name, then “foreign” will become the defaulted destination location. Users can adjust the destination as needed for sub-objects codes that could apply to either.
  • Sub-Object Codes added. A detailed analysis comparing sub-objects codes between the Finance System and & Sage was completed, and the missing object codes were added to SAGE Budget to keep the two systems synchronized.

eGC1 Updates

  • Improved Error Messages. Validation messages on the RR Detailed Budget have been improved to now include the specific period and section that requires the user’s attention.
  • Validation Icons Added. The Sponsor Budget Map has the same validation icons as the rest of Grant Runner. If there are unmapped items on the Sponsor Budget Map the user will see red exclamation points on the individual sections to indicate which section needs their attention. Once in the section the field in question is highlighted red. When the mapping issue has been resolved, the validation icon will turn to a green checkmark.

Help Documentation and Resources

The SAGE User Guide has been updated with detailed instructions for the Budget Sync feature. Users can access it by clicking on the help icon (?) on the Sponsor Budget Map page and on the RR Detailed Budget form. SAGE 102 courses will also include a section on the Budget Sync feature and using the Sponsor Budget Map.

This article covers the following:


You can use the Sponsor Budget Map page to understand how your SAGE Budget personnel data will initially flow to the RR Detailed Budget form.

In the (01) Salary and Wages section on the Sponsor Budget Map page, you will see one row for each person on your parent budget and any internal sub budgets.

Based on the Project Role you selected for each person in SAGE Budget, each person will map to either the RR Detailed Budget Section A. Senior/Key Person or Section B. Other Personnel.

The columns in this section of the Sponsor Budget Map are:

  • From SAGE Budget: displaying its Expense Type and Project Role
  • To RR Detailed Budget: displaying its Category and Project Role
  • Personnel Order: displaying the relative position in the Section A list for this person. Note: this column is unique to the 01 section.

Initially, you will see the personnel listed in the same Project Role order as on your SAGE Budget. Any personnel from internal sub budgets will display just after those on the parent budget, within each role.

You can adjust the default RR Detailed Budget Project Roles, except for the person who is the PD/PI. In some cases, you can change the default RR Detailed Budget Category (Section A or B).

Optionally, you can change the Personnel Order for those mapped to the RR Detailed Budget Section A by using the “Drag to Re-Order” feature (described below).

For personnel in Section B, in addition to the four default Project Roles, you can create customized ones.

Section A. Senior/Key Persons

When you first view the Sponsor Budget Map page, you will see the personnel listed in the same Project Role order as on your SAGE Budget. Any personnel from internal sub budgets will display just after those from the parent budget, within each role.

example list of personnel

Mapping Rules

The following table defines the initial mapping rules and indicates whether the default value can be edited (changed).

SAGE Budget Project Role RR Detailed Budget Project Role Can the Role Be Edited?
Principal Investigator PD/PI; if there is also an Applicant PI, then this role defaults to Faculty Only if “Faculty” role
Application PI PD/PI No
Co-Investigator Co-Investigator No
Multiple PI PD/PI No
Key Personnel Depends on the 01 sub-object code selected; defined below Yes
Mentor Faculty Yes. Note: You can map this person to Section B, if appropriate
Faculty Faculty No

If you selected Key Personnel for someone’s project role on your SAGE Budget, their sub-object code will determine the default role on the RR Detailed Budget.

01 Sub-Object Codes Project Role on Detailed Budget
10-14 Instruction & Research Faculty Co-Investigator
20-24 Auxiliary Teaching Staff Other Professional
30-34 Graduate School Student Appointments – Teaching Graduate Student
40-44 Graduate School Student Appointments – Non-Teaching Graduate Student
50-54 Postdoctoral Research Trainee Post Doctoral Associates
60-64 Classified Staff Other Professional
70-74 Professional Staff Other Professional
80-87 Temporary Staff Other Professional
88-89 Hourly Undergraduate Students
90-94 Graduate Stipends Graduate Students

As needed, you can change the role. Project Role choices for the RR Detailed Budget form are:

  • Co-PD/PI
  • Faculty
  • Post Doctoral
  • Post Doctoral Associates
  • Post Doctoral Scholar
  • Other Professional
  • Graduate Students
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Technician
  • Consultant
  • Co-Investigator

Drag to Re-Order Feature

You can use this feature to adjust the order of the personnel mapped to Section A of the RR Detailed Budget. The Personnel Order column displays the text “RR Detailed Budget Position” followed by a number, indicating that person’s place in the order.

The Application PI (if present) will display on the first row.  If your budget does not include an Application PI, then the Principal Investigator will be listed first.

After the PD/PI or Application PI (if present), the default order of the personnel entries is by Category (Section A or B) and, within each category, by Project Role with Parent Budget and Sub-Budget personnel grouped together. For example:

  • Multiple PI (parent)
  • Multiple PI (sub budget)
  • Co-Investigator (parent)
  • Co-Investigator (sub-budget)
  • Key Personnel (parent)
  • Key Personnel (sub-budget)

You can use your mouse, or the keyboard, to choose a person’s row to re-order. Move the row up or down to update the position number for that person. Note that the form can list up to eight individuals. Any additional personnel are included in the Additional Senior Key Persons attachment, described below. The PD/PI must be one of the initial eight people listed.

Personnel mapped to Section B will have the note “Not applicable” in the Personnel Order column. You can drag them to a different position on the mapping page, but the next time you view the mapping page, the order will have returned to the Section A personnel followed by those mapped to Section B.

Any changes you make on your connected SAGE Budget or the Sponsor Budget Map page will be reflected on the RR Detailed Budget form when you view it. The ordering of Personnel on both the Sponsor Budget Map page and the RR Detailed Budget form will match the last ordered sequence you created and saved on the Sponsor Budget map page. Any newly entered Personnel, after the initial synchronization, will sort to the bottom of the Sponsor Budget Map page order by default.

Additional Senior Key Persons Attachment on RR Detailed Budget

Section A can display up to eight individuals on the RR Detailed Budget form. You must list any additional personnel in an attachment to the form. When you initially connect your SAGE Budget and Grant Runner application, SAGE will automatically generate and attach the PDF file listing any additional personnel. The file will be named to reflect the budget period. For example, the attachment for Period 3 of your budget will be named “Period_3_Personnel.pdf”. In addition, the system will calculate the Total Funds for Attached Persons value and display it.

Any time you add or remove Section A personnel from your SAGE Budget, or change their order on the Sponsor Budget Map page, the PDF attachment will automatically be recreated to reflect those changes, if necessary.

example view of section a personnel with an attachment

Section B. Other Personnel

Personnel that map to Section B are combined into the appropriate rows, with their data values totaled.

Mapping Rules

If you select one of these SAGE Budget Project Roles, the individual will be added to the corresponding role in Section B:

  • Post Doctoral Associates
  • Graduate Students
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Secretarial / Clerical

On the Sponsor Budget Map page, you can shift personnel with the Post Doctoral Associate role to the A: Senior/Key Persons section. You cannot edit the other project roles from the Sponsor Budget Map page. You would change them on your SAGE Budget.

If you select Other for someone’s project role on your SAGE Budget, that person’s sub-object code will determine the default role on the RR Detailed Budget.


SAGE Budget Personnel Sub-Object Code RR Detailed Budget Project Role Default Value
10-14 – Instruction & Research Faculty Select…
20-24 – Auxiliary Teaching Staff Select…
30-34 – Graduate School Student Appointments – Teaching Graduate Students
40-44 – Graduate School Student Appointments – Non-Teaching Graduate Students
50-54 – Postdoctoral Research Trainee Post Doctoral Associates
60-64 – Classified Staff Secretarial / Clerical
70-74 – Professional Staff Select…
80-87 – Temporary Staff Select…
88, 89 – Hourly Undergraduate Students
90-94 – Graduate Stipends Graduate Students

When “Select…” displays, you can choose one of the four existing Section B roles listed above, or you create up to six different, customized roles.

Create a Customized Personnel Project Role

Click on “Select…” in the drop-down menu and choose “Other…”

personnel row showing select in drop-down

A dialog will display where you can enter the customized name of your project role for Section B. Click Save to return to the Sponsor Budget Map page. The new project role will appear, followed by an Edit link.

create custom project role dialog

Once you have added a customized role, it will appear in the drop-down so that you can choose it for additional personnel. If you edit the customized role, your changes will apply to all personnel with that role.

RR Detailed Budget Personnel Data Sources

Section A. Senior/Key Persons

The following table describes the source data for each RR Detailed Budget field in Section A.

RR Detailed Budget Field Data Source
Name SAGE Budget: First, Middle and Last Name
Project Role Sponsor Budget Map: Project Role
Base Salary ($) SAGE Budget: Line Setup Starting Monthly Salary * 12 (annualized) * the inflation rate for the period
Calendar Months SAGE Budget: if Calendar is checked on Line Setup; from Update Periods: Person Months
Academic Months SAGE Budget: if Academic/Summer is checked on Line Setup; from Update Periods: Academic Person Months
Summer Months SAGE Budget: if Academic/Summer is checked on Line Setup; from Update Periods: Summer Person Months
Requested Salary ($) SAGE Budget: from Worksheet (01 item) period amount or Update Periods: Period Total Salary
Fringe Benefits ($) SAGE Budget: from Worksheet (07 item) period amount or Update Periods: Total Benefits
Funds Requested ($) System calculated: Requested Salary plus Fringe Benefits

Section B. Other Personnel

The source data for each RR Detailed Budget field in Section B is the same as that for Section A. In this section, the values for a given row are a sum of the values for all personnel with that specific Project Role:

  • Number of Personnel: the total number of personnel with the specific Project Role
  • Project Role: the first four rows are the fixed project roles; any custom roles you create will appear below these. There is a maximum of 6 custom roles.
  • Calendar, Academic, Summer Months: the sums of each type of person months for personnel with the specific Project Role.
  • Requested Salary ($): the sum of all Requested Salaries for personnel with this Project Role
  • Fringe Benefits ($): the sum of all Total Benefits for personnel with this Project Role
  • Funds Requested ($): System calculated: Requested Salary plus Fringe Benefits

This page contains the following sections.


The Sponsor Budget Map page shows where the expenses from your connected SAGE Budget will flow to on the RR Detailed Budget form.

A link to the Sponsor Budget Map page will appear on the left navigation menu once you connect your SAGE Budget to your Grant Runner application and the RR Detailed Budget form is either mandatory for your opportunity, or you have selected it.

Use the Sponsor Budget Map page when you have expenses that are not mapped to default fields on the RR Detailed Budget form, or you need to adjust the defaults. A red exclamation “validation icon” will display if you need to complete any mappings.

Note: The Sponsor Budget Map page does not show dollar amounts. It shows you how the various expenses on your budget are categorized for the RR Detailed Budget form. For some expenses, you can use the Sponsor Budget Map to change where and how your data displays on the RR Detailed Budget form.

The following image shows the Sponsor Budget Map link on the left navigation menu.

sponsor budgt map link on left nav menu

Note: If the budget you connect does not yet contain any expenses (costs), you will see an alert message. It reads “Whoops! You connected a budget with no expenses. Navigate to your SAGE Budget to add expenses.”

The following image shows the message.

sponsor budget map page alert for no expenses

Data Synchronization

After the initial connection of your SAGE Budget and Grant Runner application, any data changes you make to your SAGE Budget will be synchronized with both the RR Detailed Budget form and Sponsor Budget Map page. Any changes you make on the Sponsor Budget Map page will be reflected on the RR Detailed Budget form when you view it.

Your data changes will also be reflected in the PDF generated when you select View Grant Runner forms (PDF) on the left navigation menu.

Using the Sponsor Budget Map

The Sponsor Budget Map page initially shows where the SAGE Budget expenses will appear, by default, on the RR Detailed Budget. Where editable, you can choose to shift those expenses to a different category on the RR Detailed Budget. You can also specify the order of the personnel entries for Section A. Senior/Key Persons.

The Map page includes a link to your budget, just above the first section, that displays the budget number and title. For example: “B32836 Guide: Example Budget” as shown in the following image.

link to budget highlighted

Below the link, there is a section for each expense type (object code) on your connected SAGE Budget. By default, the sections are all collapsed when you first view the page. You can “Expand All” sections or just individual ones.

The sections you see will match those where you have entered data in your parent SAGE Budget and any sub budgets. The possible sections are:

General Section Layout

SAGE Budget data is displayed on the left side of the page, in the same order as your SAGE Budget. The RR Detailed Budget expense category to which the expense will be mapped is shown on the right side.

Each section will display a status icon to indicate the status of the data within the section. A red exclamation point indicates that there are one or more expenses from your SAGE Budget that you need to map to an RR Detailed Budget category or sub-category. A green check mark indicates that all mappings are resolved. The Participant/Trainee Support Costs section shows a gray check mark icon if one or more of the optional mappings are unresolved.

The following images show examples of each type of status icon: green, red, and gray.

example of green check mark icon

example of red exclamation point icon

example of gray check mark icon

Adjust Expense Categories

You can change a number of SAGE Budget expense categories from the default value to another category on the RR Detailed Budget. Use the drop-down menus in the right-hand column to make changes to the default mapping between SAGE Budget and the RR Detailed Budget form. Some selections are grayed-out to indicate that the SAGE Budget object code cannot be mapped to that selection. For example, Travel costs cannot be assigned to Other Personnel.

Create Customized Categories

For some expenses that map to Section F: Other Direct Costs, there is no default sub-category. You must make a selection. These expenses are:

  • Supplies & Materials 05-47, 05-48
  • Student Aid 08-00, 08-02, 08-05
  • Unallocated 38-00

You can either select one of the existing sub-categories, or create a customized one. You can add up to 10 custom (user defined) sub-categories for Section F. The custom fields will be listed in object code order on the budget form.

Click on “Select…” in the drop-down menu and choose “Other…” You made need to scroll down the list.

sponsor budget map expense with required sub-category

A dialog will display where you can enter the customized name of your sub-category. Click Save to return to the Map page. The new sub-category will appear, followed by an Edit link.

create custom sub-category dialog with example text

Once you have added a customized sub-category, it will appear in the drop-down so that you can choose it for additional expenses. If you edit the name of your customized sub-category, all items you associated with that sub-category will be updated.

sponsor budget map sub-category drop-down with custom entry

Participant Support Costs

You can change some SAGE Budget expense items from the default mapping value to Section E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs.

Note: If you have any Participant Support Costs, you must use the section at the end of the Sponsor Budget Map page to indicate the associated numbers of participants for those budget periods.

(01) Salaries and Wages

This section has some unique characteristics, so it is described in its own article Sponsor Budget Map: (01) Salaries and Wages.

(02) Service Contracts

sponsor budget map section 02

  • By default, the expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section F. Other Direct Costs, subcategory Consultant Services.
  • You can change the RR Detailed Budget Category to either D. Travel, or E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs.
  • Within this category you can select the appropriate subcategory for your expense item.

(03) Other Contractual Services

example view of section 03

  • By default, the expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section F. Other Direct Costs. The default subcategory depends on the SAGE Budget sub-object code for the expense. Consult the table below.
  • Generally, you can change the RR Detailed Budget Category to either D. Travel, or E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs. The exception is an 03-62 expense, a subcontract sub budget. You cannot change its mapping.
SAGE Budget Sub-Object Code Default RR Detailed Budget Subcategory
00, 01, 02, 08, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,  47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 62, 64, 69, 71, 72, 92, 95, 99 Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs
04, 06, 14, 22, 45, 46, 57, ADP/Computer Services
24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 37, 38, 75 Custom – entered by user
58, 59 Publication Costs
60 Alterations and Renovations
80, 81, 85, 87, 89, 91 Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fee

(04) Travel

example view of section 04

  • By default, the expenses for the (04) Travel object code, on a parent or internal sub budget, will map to Section D. Travel on the RR Detailed Budget form. The expense will map to either Domestic Travel Cost or Foreign Travel Cost, depending on your SAGE Budget Destination choice.
  • You can change the RR Detailed Budget Category to E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs. The subcategory will default to Travel.

(05) Supplies & Materials

sponsor budget map section 05

  • By default, the expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section F. Other Direct Costs, with the subcategory of Materials Supplies.
  • You can change the RR Detailed Budget Category to E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs, except for sub-object codes 47 and 48 “Non-Capitalized Equipment”.
  • Within the category you can select the appropriate subcategory for your expense item.

(06) Equipment

sponsor budget map section 06

  • The expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section C. Equipment, and you cannot change the mapping.
  • Additional Equipment Items Attachment
    • Section C. Equipment on the RR Detailed Budget form can display up to ten items. Any additional items must be included in an attachment to the form. When you initially connect your SAGE Budget and Grant Runner application, SAGE will automatically generate and attach the PDF file listing any additional equipment items, as needed. The file will be named to reflect the budget period. For example, the attachment for Period 3 of your budget will be named “Period_3_Equipment.pdf”.
    • Any time you add or remove equipment items from your SAGE Budget, the PDF attachment will automatically be recreated (or removed) to reflect those changes, as needed.

(08) Student Aid

sponsor budget map section 08

  • By default, the expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section F. Other Direct Costs. You will need to select a sub-category on the Sponsor Budget Map page, or create a custom one.

(10) Capital Projects

sponsor budget map section 10

  • The expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section F. Alterations and Renovations, and you cannot change the mapping.

(19) APL

sponsor budget map section 19

  • The expenses for APL Prorated Direct Costs (PDC), on a parent or internal sub budget, will map to Section H. Indirect Costs
  • The non-PDC expenses will map to section F: Other DIrect Costs. You will need to select a sub-category on the Sponsor Budget Map page, or create a custom one.

(38) Unallocated

sponsor budget map section 38

  • By default, the expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section F. Other Direct Costs.You will need to select a sub-category on the Sponsor Budget Map page, or create a custom one.
  • You can change the sub-category to any value for Section F, except Subaward/Consortium/Contractual Costs.
  • You can also change the RR Detailed Budget Category to either D. Travel or E. Participant/Trainee Support Costs.

(25) Facilities and Administrative

sponsor budget map section 25

  • The expenses for this object code, on a parent budget or internal sub budget, will map to Section H. Indirect Costs, and you cannot change the mapping.
  • The RR Detailed Budget form allows a maximum of four distinct indirect cost base/rate rows.

Participant/Trainee Support Costs

sponsor budget map participant trainee support costs section

  • Use this section to indicate how many participants and/or trainees there are for each period.
  • There will be an entry field for each period.
  • If there are not any participants in a period, leave the field blank.

September 2018 Maintenance Release

Goal: Improve Award Data Quality & Transparency

Add link to MyResearch funding status details page from eGC1

For eGC1s that are in the Status of Approved, Awarded, or Denied by Sponsor, there will be two places where a user can link directly to MyResearch, to view processing details like holds placed on items, or comments left by OSP or GCA as funding actions are being set up.

  • eGC1 task list, via eGC1 Status hotlink
  • eGC1 left navigation

For eGC1s that are in Composing, Routing, or In OSP status, the left navigation element will not be shown, and the hotlink from the eGC1 status on tasklist will behave as it currently does (Routing or In OSP status takes a user to the Approvals page; Composing items have no hotlink on Status).

Add New Fields and “Terms & Conditions” section to the Funding Action

In order to streamline the award setup process and provide clarity on the terms and conditions, the following new fields will be added to the Funding Action in SPAERC and SERA:

  • Carryover (options: Requires Sponsor Approval, Automatic Carryover, Subject to Sponsor Limitations)
  • Carryover Explanation (when subject to sponsor limitations)
  • Disposition of Balance (options: UW to Retain, Return to Sponsor, Subject to Sponsor Limitations, Not Applicable)
  • Disposition Explanation (when subject to sponsor limitations)

There are three additional fields also added to the funding action that will improve our reporting, analytics, and sponsor award lookup capabilities:

  • Award Modification Number
  • Originating Sponsor Award Number
  • Non-Monetary Amount

In order to provide a more consolidated area for setup and viewing of award terms, a new section called Terms & Conditions will be added to the Funding Action. The new fields above, plus the previously labeled “GCA Flags” will bundle under this section, along with Payment Type and Equipment.

Changes to eFunding Action Receipt (Notification) to Campus (SAGE-327, SAGE-206)

The new Funding Action fields listed above will be added to the eFA Receipt PDF, which is sent to campus when GCA completes processing of a new action. The new Terms and Conditions section referenced above will be added as well, and all available data in that section of the FA will display. These changes will give campus more comprehensive information on new awards, and will match the language of the FA with that of SPAERC and SERA, which will aid communications between campus, OSP and GCA.

The body of the email that contains the FA Receipt PDF will now include an explanatory statement related to budget setup, to clarify that budget data will not appear in MyFinancial Desktop, Grant Tracker, and Ariba until the day after budget setup is completed in the Finance System.

Add New Fields to GCA Pending Actions Report

The new funding action data fields will be added to the GCA Pending Actions Report in SERA.

Default Funding Action Fields when the Sponsor is Royalty Research Fund

To streamline award setup when the Sponsor is Royalty Research Fund (RRF), many of the Funding Action fields will default a value but remain editable.

Update SPAERC Funding Action tabbing for accessibility and efficiency

SPAERC users can now easily tab through the fields of the Funding Action and perform their entry using only the keyboard and with a logical flow. This change will bring the funding action up to accessibility standards and provide users with added efficiency gains through less scrolling and repositioning of the cursor.

Goal: Comply with Sponsor System-to-System Requirements

Grant Runner Update to New Grants.Gov Header and Hash SAGE-70)

Grants.Gov has changed the way that proposal submission data files are to be structured, with the addition of a new header and hash. The changes will allow for a cleaner way of identifying a unique funding opportunity and formset, through introduction of a PackageID into the header. The Grant Runner system is updated to comply with this new change.

Grant Runner Update to New Grants.Gov Web Services (SAGE-71, SAGE-193, SAGE-204)

Grants.Gov has replaced the web services that provide funding opportunity details and submission status, to new ones, coinciding with the new PackageID introduction referenced above. Grant Runner is updated to now call the following new services:

  • GetOpportunityList
  • GetSubmissionList

Goal: Improve Technical Infrastructure & Monitoring

The following SAGE technical work supports the goal of improving monitoring of new SAGE work being released.

  • Additional unit tests added to Non-Fiscal Compliance section
  • Preliminary release and monitoring of new services to be utilized by Budget Sync October release

Goal: Deliver small enhancements that add clarity for users or deliver high value capabilities

FIDS: Minor Language Change on Submit Disclosure Page

The affirmation statement found on the FIDS Complete Disclosure page was changed to remove a School of Medicine-specific reference that could more generally apply. The statement now includes the agreement to include “further details of my financial interests, as requested by the Office of Research and, when applicable, the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, or their equivalent in my school/college…”.

AUMS: Language change in Consult Email

The email that AUMS applicants receive when a consult with the Occupational Health Nurse is required has been updated with new contact information and guidance, due to recent organizational and business process changes in EHS.

April 2018 SAGE Grant Runner Release

SAGE Grant Runner

NIH Required Fields Added to HSCT

To assist researchers in filling out the Human Subjects & Clinical Trials (HSCT) form, NIH required fields are now indicated with an asterisk and red highlighting. These same fields will have validation messages when the user clicks “Show Form Errors” at the top of the form. All NIH errors and validations will continue to show when the full application is checked by clicking “Check for Errors” in the left navigation of SAGE.

eGC1 Data Sync Improvements with Grant Runner Forms

To help prevent data inconsistencies when multiple browser sessions are open, the data sync between the eGC1 and Grant Runner forms has been improved.  When you make updates to information in the eGC1 that flows through to Grant Runner forms, those updates will now automatically sync with each save/refresh of the eGC1.

Improved Accessibility for  Keyboard and Tab Order Functionality

To meet accessibility standards, all Grant Runner forms are now accessible using keyboard only functionality.  In addition, tab order has been improved to be more logical and intuitive, reducing the number of times the user has to press the tab key.  

Error Messages Enhanced

Question numbers have been added to error messages on all Grant Runner forms. This update will help users quickly identify the specific error within a form.  This will be especially helpful for longer forms such as the new Human Subjects & Clinical Trials form.

March 2018 SAGE Grant Runner Release

SAGE Grant Runner

Grant Runner Support for Fellowship Opportunities

Grant Runner can now be used for Fellowship (F) Award opportunities with the inclusion of the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form.

Import ClinicalTrials.gov Data into Human Subjects & Clinical Trials Form

For studies where a ClinicalTrials.gov record is already present, researchers can now choose to import a subset of that data into the new Human Subjects & Clinical Trials (HSCT) form in Grant Runner. This will save entry time.  Users will now see a button next to the ClinicalTrials.Gov Identifier (question 1.5) labeled “Import from ClinicalTrials.gov”. On Import from ClinicalTrials.gov, Grant Runner will verify that the identifier is valid, and if so, will populate the HSCT Full Study with the following ClinicalTrials.gov fields:

  • Study Title
  • Conditions or Focus
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Age Limits (minimum, maximum age)
  • Recruitment Status
  • Brief Summary
  • Narrative Study Description
  • Primary Purpose
  • Interventions (type, name, description)
  • Study Phase
  • Intervention Model
  • Masking
  • Allocation
  • Outcomes and Measures (name, type, timeframe, description)

Any previously entered data on the HSCT Full Study will be overwritten.

After import, the eGC1 preparer is free to edit any of the information as necessary.  

ClinicalTrials.gov data is NOT updated directly from SAGE. It is still the PI’s responsibility to maintain accuracy of data on the ClinicalTrials.gov site.


Provide warning when Application PI or Multiple PI does not have an ASTRA role

When adding an Application PI or a Multiple PI on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page, if the selected personnel does not have an ASTRA role that grants them access to SAGE, you will now receive a warning.  This information will allow eGC1 preparers to request ASTRA roles in advance to avoid delays at time of routing and approval.

Fix:  Adding the Same Person Twice in Contacts & Assign Access Results in Error

Users were getting confusing validation messages when attempting to add themselves or another person to more than one role on the Contacts & Assign Access page.  This validation issue has been resolved.

SAGE General Updates

Data Source Update

SAGE Suite will now use the new version of Person Web Service (PWSv2).  PWSv2 is commonly used in the SAGE Personnel Chooser when searching for non-UW people.

Fix: SAGE Personnel Chooser Doesn’t Always Search by Pressing “Enter” Key

In some areas of SAGE, the Personnel Chooser was requiring users to click on “Enter” to search.  This issue has been resolved and now you can search by either clicking on or pressing the “Enter” key.


January 2018 SAGE Grant Runner Release

Human Subjects & Clinical Trials Form Usability Improvements

The following areas were given some fine-tuning and polish, in order to improve the usability of the new Human Subjects & Clinical Trials (HSCT) form:

  • Display a warning message when you change the Human Subjects response from YES to NO on the Other Project Info form, to indicate that HSCT form data will be removed as a result
  • Fix defects related to navigation within the form
  • Improve usability in form display, navigation, and error messaging

Required Fields for Study Import from PDF

When importing a study to the Human Subjects & Clinical Trials form using the fillable PDF, you are now required to complete the following fields at minimum:

  • Study Title
  • Clinical Trials questions 1.4.a through 1.4.d

Obtaining the responses to these questions upon import will better enable the SAGE system to communicate clear form rules and requirements to users through validations and on-screen prompts.

Improved Clinical Trial Required Fields Logic for HSCT Form

SAGE will now use the NIH Clinical Trials Code provided with each opportunity to include or not include relevant sections on the HSCT form.

The system will also factor in the responses to the four Clinical Trials questions (1.4.a through 1.4.d) on HSCT, to determine when the clinical trials sections should be enabled.

These updates will provide clarity for users on what sections of the form are required and which are not applicable.  The rules are implemented as follows:

  • When clinical trials are NOT allowed per the opportunity:
    • Sections 4 and 5 are not editable, and
    • When you import a study from a fillable PDF which contains entry in sections 4 & 5, any data entered in those sections is removed upon import and will not be included in submission
  • When clinical trials questions 1.4.a through 1.4.d include at least one NO response, then the application is NOT considered a clinical trial, and sections 4 & 5 are not editable

Form Order Update in Left Navigation

Due to the dependencies between forms, the Other Project Information form now displays above the Human Subjects & Clinical Trials form.  This helps you complete the forms is a logical order, thereby reducing confusion when opening the Human Subjects & Clinical Trials form for the first time.

Opportunity Opening and Closing Date Updates

Due to time zone differences and the date/time stamp used by NIH on the opportunities posted on Grants.Gov, the open and close dates were displaying in Grant Runner as one day earlier than on the Grants.Gov and NIH websites.  SAGE now factors in this 3-hour time difference so that the open and close dates display correctly.

Fix:  Application PI Validation on RR Detailed Budget

An issue was resolved which now allows the RR Detailed Budget PD/PI validation to work properly when an Application PI is listed on the eGC1.  The validation will now ensure that the  first and last name of the first PD/PI listed match those  of the Application PI, when present, and as shown on the SF 424.  This is an NIH requirement.

eGC1 Fix:  Printing Draft Routing Sheet Results in Error

Users will no longer receive an error when attempting to print the Draft Routing Sheet from the Certify & Route page of the eGC1.

December 2017 SAGE Grant Runner Release

FORMS-E Changes to Existing Forms

NIH will require the use of FORMS-E application packages for due dates on or after January 25, 2018.  Grant Runner now includes the FORMS-E version for the following agency specific forms.  

  • PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
  • PHS 398 Research Plan
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental
  • PHS 398 Modular Budget (expire date change only)
  • PHS Assignment Request
  • PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information (New!!)

Federal-wide form updates that will also be incorporated into FORMS-E packages, and which are supported by Grant Runner, include:

  • RR Budget and Subaward Budget
  • RR Other Project information

NIH Form Change Resources

Review more information on:

High level FORMS-E summary of changes across all impacted forms

NIH: New Human Subjects Clinical Trial Form

NIH: FAQS for Application Forms, Form Updates, and Choosing the Correct Forms

New Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form

Grant Runner now includes the new PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form.  You will have the option of completing the form in its entirety directly in Grant Runner, or importing a completed PDF version of the form into Grant Runner.  Due to the length of this form, it is recommended that you preview the form in Grant Runner or in PDF format, early in the proposal development process to plan appropriately for the information collection involved.

SAGE Subawards

Subrecipient Re-Certification Status and Form

When completing the subaward request in SAGE, a prompt will display below the subrecipient’s name if their certification status is in an expired state and needs re-certification. This prompt will have a link to the Subrecipient Certification PDF form that can be uploaded in the Attachments section of the Subaward Request once completed. Attachment of the Subrecipient Certification form is not required prior to submission of the subaward request. This status prompt and link will also display in the Subaward Overview Summary section.


Non-Award Agreement Application Types

SAGE now provides a dedicated, streamlined eGC1 format for submitting Non-Award Agreements to OSP by requiring only the set of fields necessary for these application types. You will now select Application Types “Non-Award Agreement (new)” or “Non-Award Agreement (continuation)” for the following types of agreement:

  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Data Use Agreement
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Unfunded Collaborative Agreement
  • Unfunded Research Agreement
  • Affiliation Agreement
  • Material Transfer Agreement

Note that you should select “Non-Award Agreement (continuation)” to extend an existing agreement beyond the initial term.

Activity Locations Survey

We want your feedback on the new look and feel of the Activity Locations page. Click the “Give Feedback” link at the top of that page and let us know what you do/don’t like about the design as we evaluate updates to other parts of SAGE.