The Assignment Request form is an optional form on a Grant Runner application. To include the form, select its checkbox, then select the form title to display it.
This form displays your opportunity number and title at the top. It includes the following two sections.
Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions Section
If you have suggestions, use the included link to find the appropriate abbreviation and enter it in the text box. You can enter up to three suggestions.
Study Section Assignment Request Section
If you have suggestions, use the included link to identity the sections. Enter the short abbreviation in the text box. You can enter up to three suggestions. Optionally, you may include a rationale for your choices.
In the last two areas of the forms, you may also list individuals who should not review your application, and identify scientific areas of expertise needed by the reviewers.
The process of adding an attachment to standard eGC1 pages or Grant Runner forms is the same.
Grant Runner File Names: There are a few differences in how you name a file for attachments on Grant Runner forms. In addition, all Grant Runner attachment names must be unique across all forms. If you do add the same file a second time, SAGE will append a number to the file name to ensure it is unique. So, “myfile.pdf” when added again will become “myfile1.pdf” to meet the uniqueness rule.
The file name must be no more than 50 characters in length, including spaces, and end with .pdf in lowercase.
Use one space (not two or more) between words or characters and do not begin the filename with a space or include a space immediately before the .pdf extension.
Avoid the use of ampersand (&) since it requires special formatting.
The NIH allows file names that contain certain characters. See the following table, which contains each character allowed and an example using the file name xyz.pdf with the inserted character in bold.
Example File Name
Alpha-numeric characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9
x y z.pdf
Curly Braces
Square Brackets
Exclamation Point
At Sign
Number Sign
Dollar Sign
Percent Sign
Plus Sign
Equal Sign
Note: For full details on NIH attachments, review their Format Attachments page.
Click on the Add Attachment link to start the process. The Upload Attachment dialog will display.
Provide a short description of your document file that is helpful to reviewers. You may want to use the word “draft” or “final”. Example: Science Final, Draft Proposal. application descriptions should include the eGC1# and PI last name; you can append additional information to the end of the file name. This will help reduce errors and streamline the submission process for the OSP Administrators.
Select Browse to search for your document, or the equivalent step for your web browser (for example, Choose File).
To complete the process, select Upload to attach the document to the eGC1. Clicking the Cancel link will exit the process.
If there is a problem with the file name for a Grant Runner attachment, a dialog box will display indicating the naming rules.
If you upload a file with the same name as an existing Grant Runner attachment, the system will append a number to the file name to ensure it is unique. So, “myfile.pdf” when added again will become “myfile1.pdf” to meet the uniqueness rule.
Attachment Information
Once you upload your attachment, the following information displays, as shown in the following image.
Field Description
Displays the value entered. Click on the description to view the attachment.
File Name
Displays the name of the file as it was saved on the computer or local server.
The system will automatically assign the version number of each file as it is attached or updated. The version number is the number one (1) when you initially attach a file.
Attached On
Displays the date and time that the attachment was added to the eGC1.
Delete a Document
You can only delete an attachment for a standard eGC1 if the eGC1 is in “‘Composing” or “Withdrawn” status and no approval actions have occurred. That is, when no one has approved, marked as watched, added a comment, or returned the eGC1. If the conditions allow, the system displays a Delete link to the right of the file information. Selecting Delete removes the attachment from this eGC1.
Note: On a Grant Runner eGC1, you are allowed to delete files from a Grant Runner form when the eGC1 is in “Composing,” “Withdrawn,” or “Returned” status if the file is not a required one.
Update an Existing Document
The Update link will only appear after a reviewer has approved, marked as watched, added a comment, or returned the eGC1 and the eGC1 has a status of “Withdrawn” or “Returned”. Selecting Update allows you to attach a newer version of a current document. You can display the prior versions of the updated file by clicking on the arrowhead to the left of the Description. Only the most recent version of an attached file is submitted.
If you have attached a file to the wrong place in an eGC1, you can update it with a document that indicates the file is incorrect and should be ignored.
This feature is available for Modular, Detailed, and Subaward budgets on a Grant Runner eGC1.
Once you have entered one new period on your budget, the next time you click the Add New Budget Period button, you will have to option to copy the prior existing period.
The reference in the dialog Note to “subtotals related to attachments” applies to just the Detailed and Subaward budgets.
The Start and End Dates for the period created by copying will default to the same dates as a new, non-copied period. The start date will be one day after the previous period’s end date, and the end date will be one year after the start date.
For example, if the period you are copying has the dates July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, then the newly created period will have the dates July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
This section of the budget form initially displays as a collapsed accordion section.
Click on either the text or the chevron (“V”) to expand this section. The system calculates all of the budget totals displayed in this section. Therefore, they display in read-only mode.
Note: If you connect a SAGE Budget to your Grant Runner application when using the RR Detailed Budget, the system will automatically add periods and data to the RR Detailed Budget form. The form will become read-only, except for the link to add the Budget Justification attachment. In addition, a link to the Sponsor Budget Map page will appear on the left navigation menu. The Sponsor Budget Map shows how your SAGE Budget data flows into the RR Detailed Budget form.
The information on this page covers an application without a connected SAGE Budget.
A newly selected Detailed or Subaward Budget will not have any existing periods. You will need to add periods to the budget and then manually enter in the appropriate values for your budget.
For Subaward budgets, you also have the option of importing data from a PDF subaward form.
On a new budget, there are no existing periods, so the page will indicate “No items exist” and provide a button to create periods. To begin adding budget periods, select the Add New Budget Period button.
The page will refresh and display a period summary table with headings and a row of data for the new budget period. Below the heading, the Budget Period Start and End Dates display at the top of the details section. Links to Expand All / Collapse All will appear above the heading row that can be used to fully display (or fully collapse) the accordion sections on the page.
The summary data for each period includes its Start and End Dates and major totals.
To the right of the totals, if there are any errors in the data for the period, the error icon (red circle with white exclamation point) will appear (see eGC1 and Grant Runner Errors and Warnings Summary for additional details). Next is a Collapse link which will close the detailed part of the budget period leaving just the summary row displayed.
When collapsed, a link to Expand will appear in the row. Finally, the summary row includes a Delete link which will entirely remove the budget period.
Budget Period Data
The first data fields within the Budget Period are the Budget Period Start and End Dates. The system will provide initial values for these fields based on the application start date and the assumption of a one-year period. The fields are editable if these assumptions do not fit your budget.
For full details on entering Personnel and completing other sections of the budget period, please view those help pages, linked below:
Budget Personnel which covers sections A: Senior/Key Persons and B: Other Personnel.
Download Alert: If you are trying to download the subaward form when using Chrome, you may get what appears to be an error page. See the steps for Chrome below for instructions.
Whenever the RR Detailed Budget is available for use, the RR Subaward Budget will appear in the Optional section on the navigation menu.
Note: You can only use the Subaward Budget with the Detailed Budget, not with the Modular Budget.
Subaward Budget Summary Page
When you first open the Subaward Budget, you will see the Summary page. Once you add subawards, they will display here in a summarized form. You can open each subaward to display its budget details. You can add up to 30 subawards. If you are submitting an application with more than 30, you should convert the remaining budgets to PDF and include them as part of your Budget Justification attachment.
Be sure to carry the subaward totals over to the RR Detailed Budget form, into section F: Direct Costs. If you have connected a SAGE Budget to your application, the “sync” process will take care of this.
On a new Subaward form, you have the option of adding a subaward by manually entering the data or by importing a budget.
Note: you can only import a budget that uses the subaward PDF form.
Create a New Subaward
When you click the Create New Subaward Budget button, the page will refresh to display the Subaward Budget Detail page on which you will manually enter your budget data.
At the right side of the page, you’ll see the “Show Form Errors” link and the Save and Print Page icons. Below is the Return to Subaward Budget Summary button which moves you from the Detail page back to the Summary page.
Subaward Budget Details Page
The Subaward Budget form, like the Detailed Budget form, includes four main sections. This help page covers the Project Information section, which differs from that of the Detailed Budget. For details on the other sections, click the links below.
This section is where you enter basic information about the organization.
Organization Name
Enter the name of the subaward organization. This value will display on the Subaward Budget Summary page in the summary row for the organization.
Organizational UEI
Enter the organization’s Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). This UEI cannot be the same as the applicant organizational UEI listed on the SF424 form.
Cognizant Federal Agency POC
Enter the Point of Contact information for this subaward. This information is not required.
Budget Type
For a subaward Budget, this is set by the system to Subaward/Consortium.
Project Start and End Dates
This information is copied from the eGC1 Details page. You can change the values there as noted in the “i” instructions.
Import a Subaward Budget
Download Blank Budget Form
From the summary page, you can download a blank budget form to share with subrecipients. Once the pdf form is completed, you can then import the data into your GR application.
Note: you can only import a budget that uses the subaward PDF form. To be sure you are using the correct version of the form, use the link on the page.
Known issue with Chrome: When you click the “Download Blank Budget Form” link, a page displays that refers to the version of Adobe Acrobat being used, and the file is not immediately downloaded. Look for the standard download icon on the upper, right corner of the page. Move your mouse to that area if the icon is not visible. Once you use the download icon, the file will be downloaded as usual.
Import the completed form
When you click on the Import a Subaward Budget button, the attachment dialog will display.
Enter a description and browse for the file you want to import. (The description will not display on the subaward budget page.)
The system will import the data from the PDF and display the Subaward Details page with the data filled in. The budget periods will display as collapsed initially. However, the error icon (red circle with white exclamation point) will display next to a subaward’s Expand link if there is any missing required data in any of the periods.
Possible Common Import Error
In Section A (Senior/Key Persons), if the Personnel Role you entered on the form does not exactly match one of the choices in the drop-down menu, the system will not import that value.
Once you complete the import, you may edit any of the data values as needed.
Budget Form Note: Currently, Grant Runner only supports the 5-year version of the RR Detailed Budget form.
Budget Sync Feature Note: If you connect a SAGE Budget to your Grant Runner application when using the RR Detailed Budget, the system will automatically add periods and data to the RR Detailed Budget form. The form will become read-only, except for the link to add the Budget Justification attachment. In addition, a link to the Sponsor Budget Map page will appear on the left navigation menu. The Sponsor Budget Map shows how your SAGE Budget data flows into the RR Detailed Budget form.
Rounding Note: Because NIH wants the budget data in whole dollars, we recommend you select rounding to whole dollars. If you don’t, you may see a very slight difference in some values.
The information on this page covers an application without a connected SAGE Budget.
The RR Detailed Budget can include up to 5 budget periods. Depending on the Opportunity ID chosen, the detailed budget may appear in the Mandatory Grant Runner Forms section of the left navigation menu or in the Optional Grant Runner Forms section. For some opportunities, both the RR Detailed Budget and the PHS398 Modular Budget form may appear in the Optional section on the navigation menu.
Be sure you fill in the appropriate form for your opportunity according to the sponsor instructions. You may only include one budget form (modular or detailed) for a given submission to SAGE will give you an error message if you attempt to complete an application that contains both budget forms.
The Detailed Budget form includes four major sections:
Project Information
Budget Periods
Budget Justification Attachment
Cumulative Budget
This article covers the Project Information section.
For details on the other sections, click the links below.
If the planned research activities will involve human subjects at any time during the proposed project at any performance site, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
Note: If you answer Yes to the Human Subjects and then later change it to No, a warning message will display. The message says “Warning: Changing value from Yes to No will delete all the information in the Human Subjects and Clinical trial Information Form. Click OK to continue?” When you can click OK, the Human Subjects and Clinical Trial form will switch to the short version, and any data you entered will be cleared. When you click Cancel, no changes will occur.
If you answered Yes, an additional question (described below) and the Human Subject Assurance Number will display.
Is the Project Exempt from Federal Regulations?
Select Yes or No, as appropriate.
If Yes, indicate one or more applicable Exemption Numbers (E1 – E8). See the Code of Federal Regulationsfor more details.
If No, the IRB review question will display.
Is the IRB review Pending?
If the Institutional Review Board (IRB) review is pending, click Yes. Otherwise, click No and use the IRB Approval Date field to enter the latest IRB approval date.
Human Subject Assurance Number
This value displays you selected Yes for the “Are Human Subject Involved?” question. The Assurance Number is pre-populated with the University of Washington institutional number (00006878) for all applications.
2. Vertebrate Animals
Note: The generation of custom antibodies constitutes an activity involving vertebrate animals.
Are Vertebrate Animals Used?
If you have planned activities involving vertebrate animals at any time during the proposed project at any performance site, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
If you answered Yes, an additional question (described below) and the Animal WelfareAssurance Number will display.
Is the IACUC review Pending?
Because the Office of Animal Welfare will not review this application during the submission process, always click Yes.
Animal Welfare Assurance Number
This value displays if you selected Yes for the “Are Vertebrate Animals Used?” question. The Assurance Number is pre-populated with the University of Washington institutional number (A36464-01) for all applications.
3. Proprietary Information
Is proprietary/privileged information included in the application?
Only include information such as patentable ideas, trade secrets, privileged or confidential commercial or financial information, the disclosure of which may harm the applicant, in applications when it is necessary to convey an understanding of the proposed project.
If the application includes such information, check Yes.
4. Environmental Impact
Does this project have an Actual or Potential Impact – positive or negative – on the environment?
If you click Yes, provide an explanation and answer the additional question.
Note: Unless a specific Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) indicates that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) applies, applicants should click No.
Environmental Impact Explanation
This information is required if you answered Yes to the initial question.
If this project has an actual or potential impact on the environment, has an exemption been authorized or an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS) been performed?
If you click Yes, provide an explanation for the exemption.
Environmental Exemption Explanation
This information is required if you answered Yes to the previous question.
5. Historic Designation
Is the research performance site designated, or eligible to be designated as a historic place?
If true, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
Historic Designation Explanation
This information is required if you answered Yes to the previous question.
6. International Activities
Does this project involve activities outside the U.S. or partnership with International Collaborators?
If true, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
Note: Applicants to NIH and other PHS agencies must click Yes if the applicant organization is a foreign institution or if the project includes a foreign component. For a definition of a foreign component, see the “Definitions” section of the NIH Supplemental Instructions Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions, and Other Information.
Identify Countries
List the countries involved.
Optional Explanation
Provide any additional information you feel is appropriate.
Use the corresponding links to add each attachment. Follow the formatting and length specifications in the sponsor’s instructions for each specific attachment. All attachments must be PDFs. For general information about managing Grant Runner attachments, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.
7. Project Summary/Abstract
This must contain a summary of the proposed activity suitable for dissemination to the public. It should be a self-contained description of the project and should contain a statement of objectives and the methods to be employed. It should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields and insofar as possible understandable to a scientifically or technically literate lay reader. This Summary must not include any proprietary/confidential information.
8. Project Narrative
For NIH and other PHS agencies applications, using no more than two or three sentences, describe the relevance of this research to public health. In this section, be succinct and use plain language that a general, lay audience can understand.
9. Bibliography/References Cited
Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Project Narrative. You must complete this section for submissions to NIH and other PHS agencies unless the FOA states otherwise.
10. Facilities & Other Resources
This information is used to assess the capability of the organizational resources available to perform the effort proposed. Identify the facilities you expect to use (Laboratory, Animal, Computer, Office, Clinical and Other). You must complete this section for submissions to NIH and other PHS agencies unless the FOA states otherwise. You do not need to use any special form as the attachment.
11. Equipment
List major items of equipment already available for this project and, if appropriate, identify location and pertinent capabilities.
12. Other Attachments
Attach a file only to provide any other project information not provided above or in accordance with the announcement and/or agency-specific instruction.
This form page is for listing all sites, up to a total of 300 sites.
Primary Project/Performance Site
Identifier (UEI) is editable so you can modify it if necessary. Check with your OSP administrator before changing this data.
The congressional district for Seattle and Bothell campuses (WA-007) is pre-populated. If the application or project is not being completed in King County, then you should update this value when the application is prepared.
Other Sites
Use this section to include additional performance sites. Start by clicking on the Add New Other Sites button. In the expanded accordion, enter the appropriate information.
The following fields are editable:
Organization Name (required)
Street 1 (required)
Street 2
City (required)
County / Parish
Country (required)
State (required) if the Country is the United States; Province otherwise
ZIP / Postal Code (required if the Country is the United States)
Congressional District (required)
Congressional District Notes
For Seattle and Bothell campuses the value is WA-007. If the applicant or project is not being completed in King County, then update this data accordingly.
Other valid values are a state abbreviation plus “ALL” (such as WA-ALL) or “US-ALL”.
If you select a country other than the United States, the system will change the value to 00-000 (zero, not the letter O) and make it read-only. This is to follow NIH requirements.
You can click the Collapse link at any time to close the accordion.
Each site you have added will display in a table on the page, with a few pieces of data to easily identify it.
To Make Changes: Click on the Expand link to review or make changes to the data entered.
To Remove a Site: Use the Delete link to remove the site from the list.
Maximum Number of Sites
Currently, the maximum number of sites (primary plus other) is 300. If you have entered that many, and need to document more, you can use the section at the bottom of the page that displays once you reach the maximum. Click the Add Attachment link to upload an attachment listing the additional locations. For general attachment information, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.
This form page is for listing the PD/PI and up to 99 Senior/Key Persons.
Project Director/Principal Investigator
The basic data for the PD/PI is populated for the person you selected in the Wizard. If you need to change the PI or edit some of the information, go to the eGC1’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page.
If the PI for the eGC1 is different than the PI for the Grant Runner application, use the Application PI role type on the eGC1’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. The Application PI’s information will then populate the Key Person Expanded form.
If the directory data is incorrect, please ask the PD/PI to log in to Workday to make any necessary changes.
The following table describes the editable fields for the PD/PI.
Credential, e.g. agency login
Enter the eRA Commons login for the PD/PI. This is a mandatory field for NIH submissions.
Degree Type
Enter the highest academic or professional degree earned or other credentials (for example, RN) for the Principal Investigator.
Degree Year
Enter the year the highest degree or other credential was obtained.
Biographical Sketch
Provide a biographical sketch for PD/PI, being sure to format it as described in the sponsor application instructions. For general attachment information, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.
Current and Pending Support
Note: Unless otherwise required in a specific FOA, do not include this attachment for NIH and other PHS agency submissions. This information is no longer required at the time of application submission.
Attach a list of all current and pending support for the PD/PI (even if they receive no salary support from the project(s)) for ongoing projects and pending applications. Be sure to format it as described in the sponsor application instructions.
Senior / Key Person Profiles
Use this section to include the additional researchers on the project. For each researcher, you will need to add the same information as for the PD/PI.
To Add a Person
Click on the Add New Senior/Key Person Profiles button.
UW Personnel: In the expanded accordion, you can use the Look Up Person in UW Directory button to easily populate the majority of the fields for any UW employee. You can modify the information as needed.
Non-UW Personnel: You will need to enter at least all of the required data for any non-UW researcher.
Credential e.g., agency login: Enter the eRA Commons login for the researcher. This is a required field.
Project Role: If you select “Other Professional” or “Other (Specify)” for the Project Role, you must complete the Other Project Role Category field. If the person will be an additional PD/PI, NIH requires the Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan attachment (on the Research Plan form). Also, see Multiple PIs for additional information about providing assurances. Roles are:
Post Doctoral
Post Doctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Scholar
Other Professional
Graduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Other (Specify)
Add a Biographical Sketch (required) and Current & Pending Support (optional) attachments as appropriate for each researcher. For general attachment information, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments
Click the Collapse link (top or bottom) to close the accordion for this person
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the process of adding a person.
Each person you have added will display in a table on the page, with a few pieces of data to easily identify them. The following image shows an example entry.
To Make Changes: Click on the Expand link on the right to view the details and make any changes to the data entered.
To Remove a Person: Use the Delete link on the far right to remove the person from the list.
Add Researchers Above the Maximum Number
Currently, the maximum number of researchers (PD/PI plus all others) is 100. If you have entered that many but still need to document more, you can use the section at the bottom of the page that displays once you reach the maximum. Add an attachment for each additional person.