Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
TESC 102 Aquatic Ecosystems in Urban Areas (5) NSc
Introduces the ways in which urban water bodies are impacted by adjacent land users. Explores sustainable development practices that target some of these environmental concerns.
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TESC 200 Environmental Seminar (2, max. 6) NSc
Provides exposure to current scientific research and policy initiatives. Includes presentations by researchers, discussion of recent literature, and participation in educational workshops. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 200
TESC 201 The Science of Environmental Sustainability (5) NSc
Provides an overview of the origins of sustainability and the development of sustainability science as a discipline. Focuses on the interactions of natural and social systems and how they affect sustainability. Investigates methodologies used by scientists to measure and develop sustainable systems.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 201
TESC 210 Introductory Research Experience in the Sciences (6) NSc
Provides students with a structured introduction to the scientific method, through design, implementation, and communication of original scientific research through experiential learning. Students will engage in guided data analysis and inquiry involving field sampling and laboratory activities centered on issues facing communities, for example: urban air quality and drinking water contamination in marginalized neighborhoods.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 210
TESC 239 Energy and the Environment (5) NSc
Provides an overview of various renewable and non-renewable energy resources, their distribution, availability, patterns of use, and impact on the environment. Evaluates relative energy efficiencies, as well as political and economic impacts on energy.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 239
TESC 279 Science and Mathematics Study Abroad (3-15, max. 15) SSc, RSN
Immerses students in experimental design and applied quantitative reasoning in Science and Math courses that are part of the Study Abroad program for which there are no UW Tacoma Course Equivalents. Content varies and is individually evaluated.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 279
TESC 301 Sustainability in Action (3) NSc
Introduces student to the challenges of planning for and implements environmental sustainability on campus. Applies sustainability theory to the design o f effective action. Develops valuable organizational and interpersonal skills transferable beyond the university.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 301
TESC 303 Sustainable Development in Africa - Study Abroad (12) SSc/NSc
Serves as an intensive examination of sustainable development concepts in Africa through a study abroad experience. Investigates agriculture, water resources management, and wildlife management, including scientific, social, political, and economic viewpoints.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 303
TESC 310 Environmental Research Seminar (3) NSc
Covers essential skills and tools needed to succeed in upper-division environmental science courses. Includes scientific ways of thinking, investigating, reading, and writing. Explores future employment and graduate school options and opportunities. Co-requisite: TESC 200
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 310
TESC 345 Pollution and Public Policy (5) NSc
Examines issues in environmental contamination using case studies from the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. Addresses relevant scientific information as well as public perception and policy aspects. Through written and oral assignments students gain the knowledge necessary to act as informed public stakeholders. For non-science majors.
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TESC 404 Navigating the Science Policy Interface (5)
Investigates the complex interactions between science and policy, in particular how science is conducted and how it influences environmental policy and management. Applies insights from science and technology studies, and public policy scholarship, to understand factors affecting the incorporation of science into policy. Practices strategies for effectively communicating scientific information. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 404
TESC 410 Environmental Science Senior Seminar (3) NSc
Synthesizes environmental research methodologies and oral and written presentation skills in group projects developing grant proposals responding to published requests for proposals. Includes research presentations of individual environmental science capstone experiences in culminating course for B.S. degree in Environmental Science. Prerequisite: TESC 310; either T GIS 414, TESC 301, TESC 464, TESC 495, TESC 496, TESC 497, TESC 499, or TEST 495, any of which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 410
TESC 430 Environmental Modeling (6) NSc, RSN
Provides the background and skills to understand and use basic mathematical modeling approaches to solving environmental problems. Covers basic models and case studies, and applies models to data using basic mathematical and software programming approaches. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TMATH 124; and either TMATH 110 or TMATH 390.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 430
TESC 433 Pollutant Fate and Transport in the Environment (6)
Introduces the hydrological processes involved in the transport of contaminants in surface water and groundwater, and the factors that affect the fate of these pollutants in the environment (e.g., retardation, degradation, and chemical reactions). Using case studies, examines the complex issues involved in remediation. Prerequisite: TESC 310; minimum grade of 2.0 in TMATH 124; minimum grade of 2.0 in T BIOL 140; minimum grade of 2.0 in T CHEM 162.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 433
TESC 435 Limnology (7) NSc
Introduces students to sampling methods, analytical tools, and scientific concepts related to the study of freshwater lakes ands streams and the impacts of natural and anthropogenic processes on these water bodies. Topics of study include physical processes, biological systems, and aquatic chemistry, focusing on human-impacted water bodies. Course overlaps with: BES 330. Prerequisite: TESC 310, which may be taken concurrently.
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TESC 437 Stream Ecology (7) NSc
Provides a comprehensive overview of stream ecology, including watershed hydrology, stream hydraulics, applied chemistry, biology, and ecosystem processes. Explores concepts by evaluating local Puget Sound streams. Emphasizes activity-based learning. Prerequisite: either TMATH 116 or TMATH 120; either T BIOL 110 or T BIOL 120; and T CHEM 142.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 437
TESC 490 Special Topics in Environmental Science (5-7, max. 13) NSc
Explores current topics of research in the environmental sciences. Example fields of study include aquatic and atmospheric chemistry, conservation biology and ecology, geoscience, hydrology, and oceanography.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 490
TESC 494 Environmental Science Community Engagement Internship (1-10, max. 15)
Engages student in an environmental science internship that focuses on community engagement in the public or private sector, supervised by a faculty member. Permission based on approval of proposal submitted in advance of the internship.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 494
TESC 495 Environmental Research Experiences (3) NSc
Provides opportunities to complete group or individual environmental science for studies research project carried out within a structured course.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 495
TESC 496 Environmental Sciences Research Internship (1-10, max. 10) NSc
Engages student in an environmental science internship that focuses on research in the public or private sector, supervised by a faculty member. Permission based on approval of proposal submitted in advance of the internship. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 496
TESC 497 Senior Thesis (5) NSc
A significant environmental science or studies independent research project planned and carried out by the student under the direction of a faculty member on a scholarly topic selected by the student in consultation with faculty.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 497
TESC 498 Directed Readings (1-5, max. 5) NSc
Individual advanced research projects with an environmental emphasis carried out under the supervision of a faculty member.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 498
TESC 499 Undergraduate Research (1-10, max. 10) NSc
Individual advanced environmental science or studies research projects carried out under the supervision of a faculty member.
View course details in MyPlan: TESC 499