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College of Engineering

Aeronautics and Astronautics

211 Guggenheim Hall
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Aeronautics and astronautics deals with the design, analysis, and performance of air and space vehicles and a broad spectrum of related engineering science, such as aerodynamics, structural mechanics, automatic controls, flight mechanics, space dynamics, propulsion, plasma dynamics, and related topics.

 Undergraduate Programs

Aeronautics and Astronautics

211 Guggenheim Hall

 Program of Study: Major: Aeronautics and Astronautics

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering (BSAAE) provides students with a thorough understanding of how to design, develop, test, and build aircraft, rockets, spacecraft, and satellites. Aerospace technology also has “earthbound” applications like making race cars more aerodynamic or designing autonomous underwater vehicles. The BSAAE degree provides a solid foundation in engineering fundamentals, lab work, and project experience with a real-world focus on teamwork, problem solving, leadership, and creativity.

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering degree
Admission Requirements

Engineering Undeclared Students

See section on College of Engineering Admission for additional details on Direct-to-College admission and placement process for Engineering Undeclared students. The deadline to submit a request for placement in an engineering major occurs annually on July 1.

If the number of Engineering Undeclared students requesting the major exceeds the department capacity for such students, a matching process is implemented. Factors considered include performance in prerequisite courses, quality of overall academic record, content of personal statement, applicable work or extracurricular activities, and other special circumstances as disclosed by the applicant.

Engineering Undeclared students in good standing with respect to the continuation criteria described below may request placement into an engineering major after completion of minimum requirements as specified below:

  1. ENGR 101
  2. English composition
  3. MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126 (or MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136)
  4. CHEM 142 (or CHEM 143 or CHEM 145)
  5. PHYS 121 (or PHYS 141)
  6. One course from list of approved courses on the College of Engineering website. Students are encouraged to choose a course required for graduation in the majors they are considering.
  7. Minimum 2.0 grade in each course used to satisfy a placement requirement.
  8. Minimum 12 credits as a matriculated UW student. Some departments require more credits. See department websites for details.

Students in good standing who do not meet the placement requirements by July 1 will be placed into a major on a conditional basis pending the completion of all placement requirements. Additional advising resources will be available to these students. See section on College of Engineering Continuation Policy for Engineering Undeclared Students for additional details.

Other Current UW Students and Transfer Students

Current UW students without Engineering Undeclared status and transfer students may apply. Admission is capacity-constrained.

  1. Admission is for autumn quarter only. Application deadline: April 5
  2. Minimum course requirements for application: MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126 (or MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136), CHEM 142 (or CHEM 143 or CHEM 145), PHYS 121, PHYS 122 (or PHYS 141, PHYS 142), A A 210, 5 credits English composition completed prior to application deadline. MATH 207 (unless MATH 135 was completed), MATH 208 (unless MATH 136 was completed), MATH 224, PHYS 123 (or PHYS 143), A A 260, CEE 220, ME 230, and AMATH 301 completed with a minimum 2.0 grades prior to autumn quarter.
  3. Minimum 60 credits completed by application deadline
  4. Grade requirements: Minimum 2.0 grade for each course required for application; minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA in courses required for application.

Factors evaluated for admission include performance in prerequisite courses, quality of overall academic record, demonstrated ability to handle rigorous course load, record of honors, content of personal statement, applicable work or extracurricular activities, and other special circumstances as disclosed by the applicant.

Continuation Policy

All students must make satisfactory academic progress in the major. Failure to do so results in probation, which can lead to dismissal from the major. For the complete continuation policy, please contact the departmental adviser or see department website for more details.

 Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering degree

Completion Requirements

180 credits

General Education Requirements

Basic Skills

  1. Written and Oral Communication (12 credits)
    1. English Composition: 5 credits from the University list
    2. Writing: 7 credits met by coursework in the major
  2. Reasoning (RSN) (5 credits): met by program requirements
  3. Diversity (DIV) (5 credits): may also apply to an Areas of Inquiry requirement. Of Special Note: For students admitted to the University prior to autumn quarter 2023, the DIV requirement is 3 credits.

Areas of Inquiry

  1. Arts and Humanities (A&H) and Social Sciences (SSc) (24 credits)
    1. A&H (10 credits)
    2. SSc (10 credits)
    3. Additional credits in A&H or SSc to bring total to 24 credits
  2. Natural Sciences (NSc) (49 credits)
    1. Mathematics (18-24 credits) complete one of the following:
      1. MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 207, MATH 208, MATH 224
      2. MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136, MATH 224
    2. Sciences (20-21 credits): CHEM 142 (or CHEM 143 or CHEM 145); PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123, (or PHYS 141, PHYS 142, PHYS 143)
    3. Additional Natural Sciences courses (4-11 credits) to reach 49 credits (consult department for list of approved courses)

Major Requirements

89 credits

    1. Engineering Fundamentals (16 credits): A A 210, A A 260, CEE 220, M E 230.
    2. Departmental Core (73 credits): A A 301, A A 302, A A 310, A A 311, A A 312, A A 320, A A 321, A A 322, A A 331, A A 332, A A 395; either A A 410 and A A 411 or A A 420 and A A 421; A A 447, A A 460, AMATH 301; 15 credits of senior technical electives. With approval, 3 credits of the latter may be chosen from another area of engineering.
    3. Minimum 1.7 grade in each 300- and 400-level A A course applied to major requirements
    4. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA for courses applied to major requirements

Free Electives to reach 180

 Program of Study: Minor: Aeronautics and Astronautics

Program Overview

The minor in Aeronautics & Astronautics provides opportunities to STEM students who want to learn about aerospace design, constraints, criteria, analysis, and synthesis. The A&A Minor helps students prepare for diverse career paths by strengthening problem solving skills and the ability to contribute in multidisciplinary team environments.

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Minor in Aeronautics and Astronautics

 Minor in Aeronautics and Astronautics

Completion Requirements

Minimum 32 credits to include:

  1. Core (24 credits): A A 210; A A 260; A A 310; A A 311; CEE 220; M E 230
  2. Electives (minimum 8 credits): Selected from an approved list of upper-division electives. Minimum one course taken at the 400 level. See adviser for approved list.
  3. Minimum 16 credits taken in residence through the UW
  4. Minimum 16 credits taken within the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
  5. Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA in courses applied to the minor
Additional Information

Student Outcomes and Opportunities

  • Learning Objectives and Expected Outcomes: The goals and objectives of the undergraduate program are to provide a challenging and comprehensive education, to develop necessary functional skills and an understanding of the societal context in which engineering is practiced, to provide a solid foundation in the engineering sciences related to aerospace engineering, to provide a systems perspective, to develop engineering creativity through design experience, and to prepare graduates to succeed in engineering careers and lifelong learning.

    Graduates of aeronautics and astronautics are skilled in engineering fundamentals, engineering design, laboratory skills, synthesis of various engineering disciplines, and working in a team environment. Graduates are highly regarded by employers in aeronautics, astronautics, energy systems, and related fields. They develop interpersonal skills and a desire for life-long learning that helps them succeed in their chosen careers. Graduates have been successful and valued at local, national, and international industries, as well as at government organizations and institutions of higher learning.

  • Instructional and Research Facilities: Visit the department web page to view current research activities. Undergraduates are encouraged to participate in research activities.
  • Honors Options Available: With College Honors (completion of Honors core curriculum and Departmental Honors requirements). With Honors (completion of Departmental Honors requirements in the major). See adviser for requirements.
  • Research, Internships, and Service Learning: Internships are arranged individually. See adviser for details.
  • Department Scholarships: Scholarships are limited and are usually reserved for students who have junior and senior standing in the department. Deadline for scholarship applications is April 1.
  • Student Organizations/Associations: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) student chapter. Sigma Gamma Tau

 Graduate Programs

Aeronautics and Astronautics


 Program of Study: Doctor Of Philosophy (Aeronautics And Astronautics)

Program Overview

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research-based engineering degree that prepares students to conduct advanced, original research and to fill leadership roles in academia, industry, and research institutions specializing in aeronautics and astronautics. Expected Time to Degree: 4-6 years

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Aeronautics And Astronautics And Astrobiology)
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Aeronautics And Astronautics)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Doctor Of Philosophy (Aeronautics And Astronautics And Astrobiology)

Completion Requirements

90 credits

For students who are admitted after completing a bachelor's degree:

  1. Graduate Fundamentals (36 credits):
    1. Three Analytical Courses: 500-599 -level coursework in AMATH
    2. Five Core Courses: 500-599-level coursework in A A department
    3. Two Breadth Courses: 500-500-level coursework in A A department
  2. Qualifying Exam
  3. Doctoral Coursework (9 credits): selected in consultation with faculty supervisor
  4. General Exam
  5. Dissertation
    1. A A 800 (minimum 27 credits)
    2. Final Exam
  6. Additional coursework as needed to reach required total credits

For students who are admitted after completing a relevant master's degree and who are explicitly granted "post-master" status:

  1. Graduate Residency Credits (minimum 9 credits): selected in consultation with faculty supervisor.
  2. Qualifying Exam
  3. Doctoral Coursework (minimum 9 credits): selected in consultation with faculty supervisor.
  4. General Exam
  5. Dissertation
    1. A A 800 (minimum 27 credits)
    2. Final Exam
Additional Completion Requirements

Additional option-specific requirements:

  1. Astrobiology Requirements: ASTBIO 501, ASTBIO 502, ASTBIO 550, ASTBIO 575 (2x 1 credit), ASTBIO 576 (2x 1 credit), ASTBIO 600 (3 credits, minimum), Electives Cognate Course outside the Aeronautics & Astronautics Department

 Doctor Of Philosophy (Aeronautics And Astronautics)

Completion Requirements

90 credits

For students who are admitted after completing a bachelor's degree:

  1. Graduate Fundamentals (36 credits):
    1. Three Analytical Courses: 500-599 -level coursework in AMATH
    2. Five Core Courses: 500-599-level coursework in A A department
    3. Two Breadth Courses: 500-500-level coursework in A A department
  2. Qualifying Exam
  3. Doctoral Coursework (9 credits): selected in consultation with faculty supervisor
  4. General Exam
  5. Dissertation
    1. A A 800 (minimum 27 credits)
    2. Final Exam
  6. Additional coursework as needed to reach required total credits

For students who are admitted after completing a relevant master's degree and who are explicitly granted "post-master" status:

  1. Graduate Residency Credits (minimum 9 credits): selected in consultation with faculty supervisor.
  2. Qualifying Exam
  3. Doctoral Coursework (minimum 9 credits): selected in consultation with faculty supervisor.
  4. General Exam
  5. Dissertation
    1. A A 800 (minimum 27 credits)
    2. Final Exam

 Program of Study: Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Composite Structures

Program Overview

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Composite Structures (fee-based)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Composite Structures (fee-based)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Program of Study: Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Control Systems

Program Overview

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Control Systems (fee-based)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Control Systems (fee-based)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Program of Study: Graduate Certificate in Modern Aerospace Structures

Program Overview

This program of study leads to the following credential:
  • Graduate Certificate in Modern Aerospace Structures (fee-based)
Admission Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Graduate Certificate in Modern Aerospace Structures (fee-based)

Completion Requirements

Contact department for requirements.

 Program of Study: Master Of Aerospace Engineering

Program Overview

The MAE is a part-time degree program for working professionals seeking application-oriented engineering skills and experience to advance a career in the aerospace industry. Courses are offered in the evening with the option to participate completely online. Expected Time to Degree: 3 years

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Composite Materials And Structures)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Composite Materials And Structures) (fee-based) (online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Composites) (fee-based) (online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Controls) (fee-based) (online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (fee-based) (Online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (fee-based) (Online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Fluids) (fee-based) (online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Propulsion And Plasma And Power) (fee-based) (online)
  • Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Structures) (fee-based) (online)
Admission Requirements

Visit this program's Graduate Admissions page for current requirements.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Composite Materials And Structures)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Composite Materials And Structures) (fee-based) (online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Composites) (fee-based) (online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. Core coursework (20 credits): A E 550, A E 551, A E 552, A E 553, A E 554

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Controls) (fee-based) (online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. Core coursework (20 credits): A E 510, A E 511, A E 512, A E 513, A E 514

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (fee-based) (Online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (fee-based) (Online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Fluids) (fee-based) (online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. Core coursework (20 credits): A E 520, A E 521, A E 522, A E 523, A E 524

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Propulsion And Plasma And Power) (fee-based) (online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.

 Master Of Aerospace Engineering (Structures) (fee-based) (online)

Completion Requirements

45 credits

  1. Analytical Course Requirement (4 credits): A E 501
  2. Professional Development Colloquium (9 credits): A E 598
  3. Core Coursework (20 credits): one of the following options - see additional requirements section for option-specific information.
    1. Controls
    2. Fluids
    3. Structures
    4. Composites
  4. Technical Breadth Coursework (12 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
Additional Completion Requirements

Option-specific requirements

  1. Core coursework (20 credits): A E 540, A E 541, A E 542, A E 543, A E 550

 Program of Study: Master Of Science In Aeronautics And Astronautics

Program Overview

The MSAA is a research-based degree intended to equip aerospace engineers with deep knowledge of fundamental science and advanced methods necessary for potential further study or for advancing a career in industry. Expected Time to Degree: 2 years

This program of study leads to the following credentials:
  • Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Controls)
  • Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Flight Sciences & Control)
  • Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Fluids)
  • Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Plasmas)
  • Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Structures)
Admission Requirements

Visit this program's Graduate Admissions page for current requirements.

 Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Controls)

Completion Requirements

45-48 credits, depending on credential.

Below are the common requirements applying to all credentials in the overarching degree program. Specific requirements vary by credential; see additional requirements section below for details.

  1. Analytical Coursework (14-15 credits)
  2. Core Coursework (14-25 credits)
  3. Breadth Coursework (0-6 credits)
  4. Thesis (minimum 9 credits)
Additional Completion Requirements

Credential-specific requirements - this credential requires 45 total credits.

  1. Analytical (14 credits):
    1. AMATH 510, AMATH 561, AMATH 582
  2. Core (13 credits): AA 516, AA 547, AA 548, AA 583
  3. Core Selectives (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
  4. Breadth Electives (6 credits): Two AA classes from outside area, must be drawn from different AA options; course list maintained internally by the program.
  5. Thesis (9 credits): AA 700

 Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Flight Sciences & Control)

Completion Requirements

45-48 credits, depending on credential.

Below are the common requirements applying to all credentials in the overarching degree program. Specific requirements vary by credential; see additional requirements section below for details.

  1. Analytical Coursework (14-15 credits)
  2. Core Coursework (14-25 credits)
  3. Breadth Coursework (0-6 credits)
  4. Thesis (minimum 9 credits)
Additional Completion Requirements

Credential-specific requirements - this credential requires 48 total credits.

  1. Analytical (14 credits):
    1. AMATH 510, AMATH 503, AMATH 561
  2. Core (25 credits):
    1. Aerodynamics: AA 507, AA 5XX
    2. Structures: AA 538, AA 554, AA 553 OR ME 588
    3. Controls: AA 516, AA 547, AA 548
  3. Thesis (9 credits): AA 700

 Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Fluids)

Completion Requirements

45-48 credits, depending on credential.

Below are the common requirements applying to all credentials in the overarching degree program. Specific requirements vary by credential; see additional requirements section below for details.

  1. Analytical Coursework (14-15 credits)
  2. Core Coursework (14-25 credits)
  3. Breadth Coursework (0-6 credits)
  4. Thesis (minimum 9 credits)
Additional Completion Requirements

Credential-specific requirements - this credential requires 45 total credits.

  1. Analytical (15 credits):
    1. AMATH 501, AMATH 503
    2. Choose one from AMATH 581, AMATH 582, AMATH 584
  2. Core (9 credits): AA 504, AA 507, AA 543
  3. Core Selectives (6 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
  4. Breadth Electives (6 credits): Two AA classes from outside area, must be drawn from different AA options; course list maintained internally by the program.
  5. Thesis (9 credits): AA 700

 Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Plasmas)

Completion Requirements

45-48 credits, depending on credential.

Below are the common requirements applying to all credentials in the overarching degree program. Specific requirements vary by credential; see additional requirements section below for details.

  1. Analytical Coursework (14-15 credits)
  2. Core Coursework (14-25 credits)
  3. Breadth Coursework (0-6 credits)
  4. Thesis (minimum 9 credits)
Additional Completion Requirements

Credential-specific requirements - this credential requires 45 total credits.

  1. Analytical (15 credits):
    1. AMATH 501, AMATH 502, AMATH 503
    2. AMATH 581, AMATH 582, AMATH 584
  2. Core (16 credits): AA 405, AA 556, AA 557, AA 558, PHYS 543
  3. Core Selectives (Permission required to replace any core requirement with a core selective): Course list maintained internally by the program.
  4. Breadth Electives (6 credits): Two AA classes from outside area, must be drawn from different AA options; course list maintained internally by the program.
  5. Thesis (9 credits): AA 700

 Master of Science in Aeronautics & Astronautics (Structures)

Completion Requirements

45-48 credits, depending on credential.

Below are the common requirements applying to all credentials in the overarching degree program. Specific requirements vary by credential; see additional requirements section below for details.

  1. Analytical Coursework (14-15 credits)
  2. Core Coursework (14-25 credits)
  3. Breadth Coursework (0-6 credits)
  4. Thesis (minimum 9 credits)
Additional Completion Requirements

Credential-specific requirements - this credential requires 45 total credits.

  1. Analytical (15 credits):AMATH 501, AMATH 502, AMATH 503
  2. Core (12 credits): AA 530, AA 532, AA 540, AA 553 OR ME 588
  3. Core Selectives (3 credits): Course list maintained internally by the program.
  4. Breadth Electives (6 credits): Two AA classes from outside area, must be drawn from different AA options; course list maintained internally by the program.
  5. Thesis (9 credits): AA 700