Tacoma Campus Tuition Tiers

Tier Legend: MBA = MBA special tuition rate; FB = Fee-Based program
Degree Title Major Pathway Level Type Tier
Master of Accounting T ACCT 10 2 7 FB
Master of Cybersecurity and Leadership T MCL 00 2 7 FB
Master of Education T EDUC 00 2 7 2
Pre-Doctor T EDUC 10 3 8 3
Doctor of Education (Educational Leadership) T EDUC 10 4 8 3
Master of Education (Educational Administration) T EDUC 20 2 7 2
Master of Education (Elementary Education) T EDUC 30 2 7 2
Master of Education (General for Practicing Educators) T EDUC 40 2 7 2
Master of Education (Secondary Education) T EDUC 50 2 7 2
Master of Science (Geospatial Technologies) T GST 00 2 5 2
Master of Science (Geospatial Technologies) T GST 10 2 5 2
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies T MAIS 00 2 2 1
Master of Arts in Interdisc St (Community & Social Change T MAIS 10 2 2 1
Master of Arts in Interdisc Studies (Non-Profit Management) T MAIS 20 2 2 1
Master of Business Administration T MBA 00 2 7 MBA
Master of Nursing T NURS 00 2 7 2
Master of Social Work T SOCW 00 2 7 1
Pre-Doctor T VIS 00 3 0 1
Master of Arts in Community Planning TCMP 00 2 2 1
Master of Science in Computer Science and Systems TCSCI 00 2 6 3
Master of Arts (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences) TMAF 00 2 1 1

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