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 | Spring 2023 Time Schedule

Spring Quarter 2023 Time Schedule


Enrollment and status (open/closed) were accurate when this page was created (12:02 am June 16, 2023) but may have changed since then. For current enrollment and status, check the Enrollment Summary. (UW NetID required.)
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Enrl        Sect                                                                                             Crs
Restr   SLN  ID Cred    Meeting Times     Bldg/Rm       Instructor                 Status Enrl/Lim   Grades  Fee Other
 ?       ?       ?           ?             ?               ?                         ?       ?         ?      ?    ?

INDO   203  INDO HERITG SPEAKERS(A&H)Prerequisites
       21635 A  5       F      800-920    SAV  140      Sandjaja,Desiana Pauli     Open      2/  15                B     
                        TTh    800-920    *    *        

INDO   313  ADVANCED INDONESIAN (A&H)Prerequisites
       15638 A  5       MTWThF 1130-1220  MGH  286      Sandjaja,Desiana Pauli     Open      2/  10                      

INDO   413  FOURTH-YR INDONESIAN(A&H)Prerequisites
       15639 A  3       MW     800-920    MGH  286      Sandjaja,Desiana Pauli     Open      1/   5