"It has been gratifying to see how this process has brought
together people who had never worked with each other before
and inspired them to produce imaginative ideas that wouldn’t
otherwise have emerged. The creative abilities within this
university are remarkable."
--Lee L. Huntsman, Provost and chair of the committee
"The transfer of resources is always painful, but in the
long run the UIF will create the incentives for more
interdisciplinary collaboration and reward the most
promising efforts. For critics who have doubts, I can assure
you that the process was as fair as a group of dedicated,
intelligent, and diverse faculty members could devise."
--Charles Hirschman, chair, Department of Sociology
"The diversity of the projects, the depth and breadth of
participation, and the quality of the ideas put forth were
truly exciting. It was delightfully refreshing to be able to
step back and take the measure of the 'universe' in this
university. These opportunities are all too rare, and the
UIF's most important function is to provide some space,
mechanisms, and motivation for that to happen."
--Gretchen Kalonji, professor, Materials Science and
"The four arts chairs, from Music, Dance, Art, and Drama,
did submit what we considered a very meritorious and
imaginative curriculum proposal. Perhaps we did not present
it well. But, we will be back the next time!"
--Robin McCabe, professor and director, School of Music
Other committee members were: James Banks, professor and director of the Center for Multicultural Education; John Coulter, executive director, Health Sciences Administration; Ernest Henley, professor emeritus, Department of Physics; Margaret Heitkemper, chair Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems; Thomas Lockwood, chair, Department of English; Jeraldine McCray, assistant vice president, Facilities Services; Roger Perlmutter, chair, School of Medicine Department of Immunology; Robert Van Citters, professor, School of Medicine Department of Cardiology; and Stephen Woods, professor, Department of Psychology.