Document 54: Letter from E. G. Abbott to His Family

Reprinted in Alton Democrat, June 10, 1898; Letters of Iowa Goldseekers, Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks. See also, John Clark Hunt, ed., "The Adventures of the Iowa Goldseekers," Alaska Journal 3 (Winter 1973), p. 2-11.

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Tagish Lake
June 10, 1898

We have on board ten cords of wood, weighing 25,000 pounds; also about 5,000 feet of extra lumber; ten horses weighing 11,000 pounds...hay for ten horses; our heavy sawmill machinery, sleds and all provisions. Besides this we have six boats lashed to our sides, one of them a scow, so you see we are badly handicapped for speed.

Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest