Document 8: Letter from Eugene Higgins to E. O. Graves, January 22, 1898

Erastus Brainerd Scrapbooks, vol. 1. Microfilm copy, University of Washington Libraries; original, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress.

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Eugene Higgins
New York

E. O. Graves, President
Washington National Bank, Seattle
January 22, 1898

My Dear Mr. Graves,

Like all Seattleites, past, present and future, I am deeply interested in all that concerns her....Everybody here, old and young, rich and poor, are deeply interested in the gold discoveries, and every scrap of information is eagerly sought simply means every business man in this country has an indirect interest in the gold discoveries, and knows that his business will be indirectly, but no less strongly influenced by the success or failure of them. Seattle's rivals are in the field. I notice in the P.I. constant references to Seattle's efforts to get and keep the trade, but I do not see any evidences here of Seattle's advertising. Around the City I notice views, photos, statistics of San Francisco, Portland, and Tacoma, but none of Seattle....The ticket bookers have books on the Klondyke with maps showing Portland only as a starting point...I should think a distinctive ad such as a team of reindeer drawing a sled stacked with goods accompanied by dogs and miners...would prove a very valuable or sell at 5 cents or 10 cents small books having the most reliable information of Alaska and Wash. mining industries, with accurate maps...liberally interspersed with reproductions of photos showing dogs, pack trains, steamers, etc...with Ads in the back showing scenes in Seattle, views of wharves, stores, stocks, and the various scenes illustrative of the activity and interesting features of the gold excitement.....I really believe 50,000 could be sold....

Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest