This unit is responsible for:
Identity registration and administration: Enabling customers to register the identities of individuals affiliated with the UW; coordinating the related business and technical processes across affiliations to simplify the end-user experience, establish the basis for online accountability and enable a single user profile for each person
Account and password management: Issuing UW NetIDs, passwords and other login credentials to individuals affiliated with the UW, and enabling them to manage their online accounts; supporting ways customers can sponsor UW NetID accounts for affiliated partners and collaborators
Access management: Enabling customers to manage access to their online resources in alignment with governing policies and risk-management practices; coordinating access management processes across customers to streamline how access to resources is defined and discovered, requested and fulfilled, and reviewed and removed
Authentication and authorization: Enabling customers to implement and externalize the technical access controls that verify the identities of users as they access resources and then authorize activities based on assigned privileges, user roles, affiliations and group memberships
Non-person identity management: Helping customers maintain accountability in the methods used by and between systems for delegated access to data on behalf of individuals; enabling ways to verify the identity of non-person entities such as computers, applications and devices, and to authorize what they can do based on their privileges
Federation and trust: Enabling customers to access and share resources across organizational boundaries and with third parties without having to issue new accounts and passwords, furthering the UW’s involvement in national and international trust frameworks like InCommon, eduroam and eduGAIN, and ensuring the UW meets their requirements for identity assurance and privacy protection
Nathan Dors
Assistant Director
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