Technology Strategy

The technology strategy function includes working broadly with the larger UW community to coordinate, shape, and articulate the issues and approaches that best support the discovery and learning mission of the University. This function specifically includes:

  • In-depth understanding and sharing of technology trends and capabilities
  • Active listening, understanding, and sharing of UW knowledge-worker needs
  • Collaboratively shaping approaches that bring the best technology options to bear on current and future UW needs
  • Support of different campus technology strategy activities, including relevant campus Special Interest Groups
  • Establishing good relationships with technology vendors and working toward mutually beneficial future product directions
  • Facilitation and coordination of internal technology strategy and service direction processes, including quarterly management reviews of service roadmaps,and ownership of the technology strategy and service lifecycle model

The corollary function of Chief Technology Architect, again in collaboration with experts throughout the University, involves:

  • Being a resource for development teams on best design practices
  • Encouraging consideration of long-term architectural goals
  • Advocating core technology values, such as cross-platform interoperability, operational simplicity, superior diagnosability, resilience, etc.
  • Assisting in definition, shaping, and enunciating key architectural guidelines and assumptions
  • Facilitating internal technology/architecture planning and design processes

In addition to holding the positions above, Dr. Gray is also an affiliate professor in Computer Science & Engineering.


Terry Gray
Associate Vice President
and Chief Technology Architect
Web | Email | 206-685-4729
UW Mailbox: 354844

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