The Accessible Computer Science Education Fall Workshop has released a series of white papers discussing topics related to making learning experiences more accessible for people with disabilities. The event established a group of technologists and practitioners who planned what research is needed for the future to make computer science more accessible. Attendees also explored other issues related to equity and access to education for people with disabilities. Topics included envisioning the future of tech for inclusion, building a pipeline from research to impact, unblocking the pipeline from education to employment, and ways for researchers and practitioners to connect and work together to move the mission forward.
You can review the white papers on the Microsoft website, as well as learn see presentations and learn more. White papers covered these topics:
- Education for Employment Pathways
Beth Rosenberg, Beth Powell, Claire Kearney-Volpe, Donna Auguste, Heather Dowdy, Laura Lanning, Meg Ray, Sheryl Burgstahler, Shireen Hafeez, Venkatesh Potluri - Accessible Computing Education in Colleges and Universities
Catie Baker, Andrew Begel, Matthew Butler, Anat Caspi, Ramy Ghazal, Neal Kingston, Clayton Lewis, Colleen Lewis, Kelly Mack, Irene Mbari-Kirika, Keita Ohshiro, Paige Rodeghero, Kristen Shinohara, Julie Smith, Namrata Srivastava, Kat Steele, Murtaza Tamjeed, John Tang, Adiam Tesfay, Momona Yamagami - Accessible Tools and Curricula for K-12 Computer Science Education
Earl Huff, Varsha Koushik, Richard E. Ladner, Stephanie Ludi, Lauren Milne, Aboubakar Mountapmbeme, Margaret Perkoff, Andreas Stefik - Reimagining Accessibility and inclusion in K-12 CS Education through curriculum and professional development
Maya Israel, Supriya Dey, Yota Dimitriadi, Heather Feldner, Amy lsvik, Noel Kuriakos, Jean Salac, Mina Huh, Gesu India - Challenges to Inclusive and Accessible Prototyping, lsotyping and Production
Josh Urban Davis, James Devine, Kirsten Elis, Chancey Fleet, James Fogarty, Sean Follmer, Taylor Gotfrid, Steve Hodges, Megan Hofmann, Raja Kushalnagar, Jennifer Mankoff, Samuel Reinders, Teddy Seyed, Abigale Stangl, Jacob Wobbrock, Te-Yen Wu, Xing-Dong Yang