AccessCSforAll is a Research-Practitioner Partnership that includes and schools nationwide, including those that serve students who are deaf, are blind, or have learning disabilities. Together they are creating and testing the effectiveness of an accessible version of AP Computer Science Principles. AccessCSforAll also partners with College Board to ensure that they are ready to fully accommodate students with disabilities in their testing.
- Searchable Knowledge Base of questions and answers, case studies, and promising practices
- Guidelines for making K-12 computing education accessible to students with disabilities
- Proceedings of capacity building institutes exploring issues related to disability and computing education
- Videos about universal design and accessibility guidelines
- Online Community of Practice in which educators and other professionals discuss strategies and share accessible tools and curricula and other resources for effectively teaching students with disabilities
- Individualized support via phone (509-328-9331) and email ( for assistance in fully including students with disabilities in computing courses
Development of Accessible Tools and Materials
- Refining tools to increase accessibility for a wide range of people with disabilities
- Creating accessible curricula and other materials for K-12 computer science education
- Developing online and offline accessible programming technologies
Get support:
509-328-9331 | or via our website.
University of Washington
Dr. Brianna Blaser, DO-IT Center
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dr. Andreas Stefik, Computer Science
Previous leaders included Dr. Richard Ladner and Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler.
AccessCSforAll works with a nationwide set of partners who are invested in K-12 computing education.
AccessCSforAll is funded by the National Science Foundation Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (Grant #CNS-1440843, #CNS-1440878, #CNS-1738252 and #CNS-1738259).
Copyright 2018