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Campus Clinics

Information about non-UW Medicine clinics on the Seattle campus that provide services to faculty, staff, and students.

Autism Center

The UW Autism Center is devoted to supporting individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders through exceptional clinical services, innovative scientific research and high-quality training.

Speech & Hearing Sciences

UW Speech & Hearing Clinic is an outpatient center providing exceptional care to the community while serving as a clinical education and research facility.

Speach & Hearing Clinic Services

Haring Center

The University of Washington Haring Center for Inclusive Education provides early childhood education to children with and without disabilities, conducts leading-edge research to advance inclusive learning, and trains education professionals in proven practices to develop every child’s potential.

Haring Center

Psychology Services and Training Center

The University of Washington’s Psychological Services and Training Center (The Clinic) provides psychotherapy and psychological assessment to residents of the Seattle metropolitan area, including University of Washington students and their families.

The Clinic

Health Services

These health services provide exceptional medical and mental health care to our diverse student body as well as established non-student patients. Though all of their services, they work to promote lifelong well-being, achievement, and resilience.