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Emergency Evacuation

Faculty, staff, students and visitors who may have difficulty exiting during a building evacuation are encouraged to consider these options in advance of spending time at a University location to prepare for building emergencies and evacuations, including fire drills.

In the Event of an Emergency

  1. When the building alarm system is activated or an emergency occurs requiring evacuation, you should evacuate if able to do so.
  2. If you are unable to exit the building, locate an Area of Refuge or designated Evacuation Waiting Area (if available), or stay in place.
  3. Call 9-1-1 to inform emergency services of your location.
  4. If a volunteer assists you to reach an Area of Refuge or Evacuation Waiting Area, the volunteer should go to the Evacuation Assembly Point and report your location and status to emergency services.

Individual Evacuation Plans

Employees and students with disabilities who live, work or attend courses are invited to complete an evacuation plan and provide it to the University building evacuation director or building coordinator.