All campuses have access to accessible parking including UW Medicine locations. UW Seattle has an additional shuttle service, Dial a Ride, to navigate campus locations.
Bothell Accessible Parking
Seattle Accessible Parking
Tacoma Accessible Parking
UW Medicine Accessible Parking
Additional Resources
Disability Placards
Vehicles parked in disability parking spaces on a UW campus must display a state or UW-issued disability placard or plate at all times. Visitors and patients must have a state-issued placard or plate. Faculty, staff, and students can apply for a UW-issued placard through the appropriate disability office.
Dial-A-Ride is a free shuttle service with ADA accessible passenger vans at the UW Seattle campus that operates between 100+ designated stop locations for faculty, staff, and students with either permanent or temporary disabilities.
Faculty, staff, and students with disabilities are eligible for transit services through the U-PASS. Visit UW Transportation Services to learn more about how to use and book the various paratransit options available.
Wayfinding & Maps
Accessible routes and wayfinding on each campus are located on campus access guides.