UW Disability Studies Faculty Drs. Heather Evans and Heather Feldner invite you to participate in a Disability Allyship 26-day Challenge. Starting on April 5th, we challenge you to spend 5-20 mins every day for 26 days engaging with an item from a curated set of materials aimed to expand your knowledge of ableism and broaden your perspectives of disability. Participation in a sustained activity like this can help us understand the ways ableism shows up in our personal and professional lives and provide a pathway toward allyship and action.
After completion, we will host an online discussion forum for participants to share their responses and reactions to the Challenge and discuss how we can all move forward with allyship across multiple contexts and environments.
Please register below to receive weekly Challenge emails and to receive the zoom link invite for the online May 8th, 2024 discussion. If you have any questions, concerns, or access needs about the Challenge, please reach out to Heather Evans at hdevans@uw.edu or Heather Feldner at hfeldner@uw.edu with the subject line “26-day Challenge”.
Join the Challenge
Please register for reminders and challenge updates and to receive the zoom link invite for the online May 8th discussion.
Take a few minutes to think about this week’s materials. Jot some thoughts, journal, have a conversation with a friend or colleague, make art, etc.
What are your own beliefs about healthcare rights, language, and simulation? How did the challenge pieces reflect, add to, or challenge your existing views?
Take a few minutes to think about this week’s materials. Jot some thoughts, journal, have a conversation with a friend or colleague, make art, etc.
Do a little prep for the May 8th group discussion! What do you need or want to know more about? What are some ways you will or would like to continue to engage with disability content, culture, or advocacy?