Welcome to AccessUW
An audio series brought to you by the Office of the ADA Coordinator! AccessUW highlights insightful discussions, informative interviews, and valuable insights about accessibility, equity, and inclusion within the realm of higher education, with experts across the University. In the menu, you can find links to episodes, transcripts, and resources referenced in the podcast. To learn more about the podcast hosts and guests, click here to read their brief biographies.
Season 1 Episodes
In Season 1, the AccessUW podcast commemorates the 50th anniversary of the signing of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In honor of this historic milestone, this season explores both UW and national history surrounding disability rights, and introduces the UW’s ADA Office along with designated disability services offices.
- Ep. 1: Introduction to the Office of the ADA Coordinator
- Ep. 2: Understanding Accommodations at the UW
- Ep. 3: Disability as a Diversity Perspective
- Ep. 4: Exploring UW Disability History
- Ep. 5: “Nothing About Us, Without Us” Featuring Dr. Jaipreet Virdi
- Ep. 6: What is Section 504?
- Ep. 7: Legal Understandings of Disability Rights vs. Disability Justice
- Ep. 8: Remembering Dennis Lang, Founder of the UW Disability Studies Program
- Ep. 9: A Conversation with Past DRS Directors
Season 2 Episodes
In Season 2, the AccessUW podcast will delve into a diverse array of topics, including digital accessibility, disability employment, and disability culture and pride.