General view from parking lot. S9 | Entrance #1 from parking lot S1 |
Parking: The South Campus Parking Garage S1 is closest. It has wheelchair and disability parking.
Dial-A-Ride: Stop #73 is located on Level 1 of S1 Parking Garage at the South Campus Center.
Stop #74 is located in Parking Lot S8 at the Oceanography Building (not accessible to wheelchair users).
Entrances: Entrance #1 has an exterior ramp, a 32" (plus) doorway, and automatic door with paddle controls.
Entrance #2 is not wheelchair accessible.
Elevator(s): Elevator #130 serves all floors except the mezzanine and basement, highest button 39", Braille markers.
Restrooms: Most accessible men's restroom is on the 4th floor; most accessible women's restroom is on the 1st floor.
Fountain: 1st floor spout heights 43.5"-44.5", 2nd floor 43.25"-45.25", 3rd floor 45", 4th floor 45.5".
Telephone: Campus phone by room 208.