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Kane Hall 9-L



General view from Red Square Entrance #11 off Spokane Lane
General view Entrance #11

Kane Hall 9-L

General: Kane Hall (Undergraduate Education) houses five large lecture halls as well as the Classroom Support Services Office and UWTV/Video Productions Office. A major campus reception/meeting room, the Walker-Ames Room is above the main lobby.

Parking: The Central Plaza Garage (underground) is closest, has wheelchair and disability parking on level C1 and on level C2.

Dial-A-Ride: Stop #17 is located at the ride shelter at intersection of George Washington Lane and Memorial Way, and is uphill from Kane Hall.

Stop #26 is located in Central Plaza Garage (underground), C1 level, near Kane Hall.

Entrances: Entrance #7 to first floor has a level approach, a 32" doorway, and an automatic door with paddle controls.

Entrance #9 to the first floor has a level approach, a 32" doorway, and an automatic operator with paddle controls.

Entrance #11 has a level approach, a 31.5" doorway, and an automatic operator with paddle control.

Entrance #22 has a level approach, 31" doorway, and a pull handle.

Elevator(s): Elevator #166 serves the basement through the upper mezzanine. Highest buttons 39", Braille markers.

Elevator #168 serves the garage and the 1st and 2nd floors. Highest buttons 39", Braille markers.

Restrooms: The most accessible restrooms are on the basement floor.

Fountain: Basement and 2nd floors. Spout height 44.5" near room 16 and 42" near room 226.

Telephone: Pay phones on 1st floor northwest side, side approach, coin slot 36". Campus phone on southeast end of 1st floor.

Seating: Wheelchair seating is available at the front of each auditorium.

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