A Message from Ujima Donalson, POD Executive Director
As Mindy Kornberg explains in this issue, UW Human Resources is in the midst of an effort to foster succession planning and talent management across the University. As someone who lives in the training and organizational development world, this work is personally and professionally gratifying for me. I’ve seen how traditional succession planning works in the private sector and, by and large, that approach would not work here at the UW. However, I believe the University can approach succession planning in a way that makes sense for our institution, and I have high hopes for how an increased focus on talent management can shape our culture and help ensure future success. Read More
"Business and human endeavors are systems…we tend to focus on snapshots of isolated parts of the system. And wonder why our deepest problems never get solved." ~ Peter M. Senge
Supporting Talent Management Through Succession Planning
Mindy Kornberg, JD
Vice President, UW Human Resources
This fall I have partnered with POD’s Executive Director Ujima Donalson and Assistant Vice President for Campus HR Operations Erin Rice in meeting with organizational leaders to talk about the new Succession Planning Toolkit created by UWHR and efforts to ensure that talent is in place for the future. In addition, POD has conducted two workshops for administrators and other leaders to walk them through the toolkit and the larger talent management process.
This focus on succession planning reflects UWHR’s commitment to support sound workplace practices, provide employees with opportunities, and ensure that the University of Washington’s reputation as an employer parallels its reputation as a word-class university. Succession planning is also a timely pursuit given the stiff competition in the local job market.
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"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." ~ Marilyn vos Savant
Introducing Lee Davis
Training and Organizational Development Consultant Lee Davis joined POD in September and replaces Susan Templeton as a co-facilitator for Level 1 of the Strategic Leadership Program. We asked Lee a few questions to better understand his background, what drives him, and what he hopes to bring to his position and the UW.
Q: You served in the military for a number of years. Can you talk about your career there?
I served in the U.S. Navy for 15 years, including 12 submarine deployments, various roles on surface ships, and three years as an instructor during which I trained more than 5,000 submariners. One thing I appreciated about working on a submarine and with other submariners is that even though we had a tight line of compliance to walk, people had a tremendous amount of respect for each other and for others’ differences. In the submarine community, title and position take a backseat. There is a hierarchy and established protocol, but everyone’s life depends on everyone else’s skillset. People are truly all in it together. Read More
"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." ~ Winston Churchill
New Content for Supervisors Attending SLP
This fall, supervisors attending Level 1 of the Strategic Leadership Program are benefitting from new and revised content on employee development, change management, and motivation. In addition, new supervisors now have the opportunity to take the stand-alone SLP Supervisor Orientation workshop to explore their responsibilities as an agent of the University, discover how to partner with UW Human Resources, and review HR and UW policies and resources.
For leaders who are curious about the material their supervisors are learning or who want to tackle some new material themselves, here’s an overview of the SLP Level 1 changes. Read More
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word — excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." ~ Pearl S. Buck
Thorud Leadership Award Nominations Due Dec. 16
Nominate a colleague for the prestigious David B. Thorud Leadership Award by Friday, December 16. Award recipients are inspirational leaders who set an exceptional example in their approach to teamwork and in achieving large-scale goals. Previous recipients include Director of Assessment & Planning Steve Hiller, Libraries Administration, who was recognized for his transformational leadership, UW Libraries’ acclaimed assessment work, and establishing a global community of practice; Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering Ed Lazowska, honored for increasing diversity and participation in the field, technical contributions, and institutional, regional, and national leadership; and Dr. Pamela H. Mitchell, Behavioral Nursing and Health Systems, School of Nursing, acknowledged for her leadership of multidisciplinary teams, success in inspiring others locally and globally, and crucial work as an administrator and nurse educator.
Recipients will be awarded $2,500 and recognized at the University’s Annual Awards of Excellence ceremony in the spring.