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University Advancement’s commitment to DEI

In 2023-2024, UA wove these DEI visions, values and actions into its refreshed UA values. These values remain essential in our organization and its activities.

For the University of Washington (UW) to be the greatest public university in the world as measured by our impact, the UW and University Advancement (UA) must weave equity and anti-racism into everything we do. Becoming a more equitable organization starts with us, and focusing on groups that have been excluded and under-engaged will lead to better outcomes for our whole community. Ensuring that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are natural outcomes of our activities will require us to state our values, live by those values and work toward our vision every day. To sustain our efforts, we have defined a path forward with our values clearly articulated and shared throughout the organization. We invite you, our community, to walk with us, share feedback and engage as we do our part in the University-wide effort to create a more just and equitable world.

Our visions connect to our intended outcomes and direction.
Our values articulate our principles and priorities.
Our actions demonstrate we live our values and further our vision of equity.


  • Vision – We continually develop connections and deepen relationships with stakeholders based on shared goals and values around diversity, equity, access, and inclusion across the institution.
  • Value – Meaningful engagement with UW stakeholders and the greater public the University and we serve.
  • Action – We build considerate, inclusive, and impactful connections with current and emerging stakeholder communities by embedding equity into our communications, engagement, and development practices. We engage with stakeholders and the greater public based on a mutual understanding of institutional priorities and values. We demonstrate and embrace stakeholders’ perspectives and the voices that move us toward anti-racism and equity.


  • Vision – We consistently promote a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability.
  • Value – Transparency and accountability.
  • Action – We build trust by creating pathways for open exchange, dialogue, and accountability. We produce more robust systems for accountability through data gathering, proactive planning, and setting expectations that promote a more inclusive UA culture. We acknowledge and act against bias, oppression, and inequity.


  • Vision – UA creates and invests in the policies, practices, and culture that lead to equitable outcomes.
  • Value – Equitable outcomes in all we do.
  • Action – We evaluate the policies and practices that pose barriers to equitable outcomes. We allocate resources to ensure that equity becomes deeply rooted in our decision-making at all organizational levels.

Commitment to diversity

  • Vision – UA is an increasingly diverse organization that prioritizes our broader community and region.
  • Value – Investment in diversity and representation.
  • Action – We invest time and resources to ensure that we consider diversity and representation in all aspects of our work, from hiring practices to representative voices and images to how we identify and engage with communities.


  • Vision – People experience UA as an organization where they are seen, heard, and valued as part of our community.
  • Value – Nurturing a culture of respect and belonging.
  • Action – We work to ensure that our UA community and team culture promotes belonging where each person is heard and valued. Working against interpersonal bias and biased systems, we improve relationships and equitable outcomes for individuals. We foster an environment that attracts the support of diverse communities which thrive in their engagements with UA.

The UA DEI Visions, Values and Actions were created in collaboration with UA Executive Strategy Team and the 2021 UA Equity Council Executive Committee.