In 1889 a small group of alumni joined together to form a community that would help transform the University of Washington into the world-class institution it is today. 125 years later, we pay tribute to people and moments that make up the UW alumni story.
AMID THE BUSTLE OF WASHINGTON’S IMPENDING STATEHOOD, a small group of UW alumni united to support the UW and stay connected to campus and each other. While the University was on fairly stable footing by this point, its tenuous early days—when it had to close multiple times for lack of funds, or lack of students—were well remembered. Making sure the UW’s interests were well represented, whether in the Legislature, on the Board of Regents, or in the wider community, was part of the UWAA mission from the beginning. It would not be long before alumni began to make their presence felt. READ MORE +
Edmond Meany, 1885
“The Ideal Alumnus”
Edmond Meany, 1885
“The Ideal Alumnus”
Trevor Kincaid, 1899
“The Biologist”
Trevor Kincaid, 1899
“The Biologist”
Mary Gates, ’50
“The Activist”
Mary Gates, ’50
“The Activist”
Sam Kelly, ’71
“Dr. Sam”
Sam Kelly, ’71
“Dr. Sam”
Alula Asfaw, ’08
“The Dreamer”
Alula Asfaw, ’08
“The Dreamer”
IN JUNE 1908 the first issue of The Washington Alumnus arrived in UWAA members’ mailboxes. Created to foster fellowship among the University’s graduates and to provide them with information needed to advocate for the UW, the earliest issues addressed what would become familiar themes: the need for effective alumni representation in the Legislature and Board of Regents, stories about campus happenings and commentary on the performance of the UW’s athletics programs. In the century that followed, the Alumnus would evolve, eventually becoming Columns, the award-winning magazine for the UW alumni community.
THE UWAA’S FIRST ATTEMPT AT HOMECOMING took place in 1914. Featuring a reception for alumni and a football victory for the Huskies (against what was then Washington State College), the first Homecoming would be the last for several years, as concerns over the growing war in Europe put a damper on festivities. Once the war was over, the 1918 influenza pandemic shut campus down for the autumn term. It was not until 1920 that a fall Homecoming was again held, to commemorate the opening of the new Husky Stadium. READ MORE +
IN 1936, THE UW VARSITY 8 CREW TEAM EMBARKED ON AN UNLIKELY QUEST for Olympic gold, and they needed alumni help to get there. Alumni support for the crew team began as early as 1908, when the first appeals appeared in The Washington Alumnus. By the 1930s, the UWAA was regularly raising funds for the crew team to compete against elite squads from powerhouses like Columbia, Cornell and Penn at the Intercollegiate Rowing Association regatta in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. In 1936, the Huskies would continue on to Princeton for the Olympic trials. It was only after their come-from-behind victory at the trials that legendary coach Al Ulbrickson learned there was a catch: the American Olympic Committee was out of money. The team would have to pay its own way. READ MORE +
WHEN R. BRONSDON “CURLY” HARRIS took the reins of the UWAA in 1936, the organization was struggling. The lingering effects of the Great Depression meant ever fewer dues-paying members. The Washington Alumnus had suspended publication for more than a year, apparently due to lack of funds. With youthful enthusiasm (he was not yet 30 years old), Harris set to work. READ MORE +
AS THE BABY BOOM GENERATION BECAME COLLEGE-AGED, the University had to scramble to construct new buildings for housing and classrooms to keep up with demand. Keeping college affordable for students was becoming an increasing challenge. At the same time, the UWAA was at a crossroads, seeking new ways to support the UW. READ MORE +
THE FIRST PRINCIPLE TO EMERGE FROM THE ALDERBROOK CONGRESS was “[taking] the University to the people and bringing the people to the University.” That commitment to access to the UW for all bore fruit in 1975, when the UWAA and the History Department joined together to launch a series of public lectures. READ MORE +
RECOGNIZING THE CRITICAL NEED TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY AND MULTICULTURAL UNDERSTANDING within the UWAA and UW community, UWAA leaders and alumni volunteers formed the Multicultural Alumni Partnership (MAP) in 1995. MAP volunteers collaborate with UW partners to help students, faculty and alumni from diverse or disadvantaged backgrounds to reach their full potential. MAP supports a wide range of campus and community programs and services, including registered multicultural student organizations. READ MORE +
IN THE FACE OF DECLINING STATE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT for higher education, the UWAA established UW Impact. Supported by member dues, UW Impact works to increase understanding of the role the UW plays in the state of Washington, the nation and the world and to provide opportunities for individuals to communicate this value to their elected officials and friends. Since 2010, UW alumni and friends have sent more than 10,000 messages to state legislators through the UW Impact website. READ MORE +