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Member Reception

American Democracy and the 2024 Election

Thurs. Oct. 24, 2024      5:30 Reception; 6:30 Lecture

Town Hall Seattle, Wyncote NW Forum

UWAA members are invited to enjoy food, beverages and good company at a special pre-lecture reception with speaker Jake Grumbach before he takes the stage at Town Hall Seattle!

After the reception, head to your saved seat in the auditorium to hear Grumbach discuss trends in three areas of American democracy: the rule of law, majority rule, and political equality. Each of these areas is a crucial component for a political system of the people, by the people, and for the people, and each area shows signs of strain.

Don’t miss this critical conversation about the health of our democracy!

Lecture and reception are free for UWAA members and their guests. Space is limited.

About the Speaker

Presented in partnership: