UWAA Board
From the UWAA President: July 2018

UWAA President Suzanne Dale Estey, ’01
Dear UWAA Members,
Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that I was on campus on the first days of classes last Fall to chair my first full UWAA Board of Trustees meeting as president. Now, those students who were entering their last year of study on that beautiful September day have joined the ranks of our alumni family — a momentous and life-changing transformation — as well as a compelling reminder of why membership in the Alumni Association is so important. This is a pivotal time in the lives of our new graduates, and it’s our responsibility as UWAA members to help them stay connected to our amazing UW community and our commitment to the greater good.
During this past incredibly busy year, I’ve been very pleased with the progress we have made in fostering a truly big tent for all UW alumni and friends. From our continued outreach efforts east of the Cascades and around the world to the innovative programming of the new Common Ground Project, the UWAA demonstrates our abiding commitment to support the University for all of Washington. By maximizing our impact and working together for measurable results through active engagement in programs like Huskies@Work and UW Impact, we help to ensure that future generations will have access to a truly transformative Husky experience.
And the year isn’t finished yet! There is a full slate of activities planned for the Dawg Days of Summer, which you can read about in this newsletter. I encourage each of you to get involved and see for yourself all that the UWAA has to offer.
Going forward, we must continue to build from our incredible foundation and an amazing track record of success. I have every confidence that incoming Board president Daniel Heu-Weller will do exactly that. He is a dynamic, exciting leader, and I look forward to continuing to work with him for the UW and the UWAA for years to come.
Thank you for being part of the UWAA and for a truly unforgettable year.
Go Dawgs!