Kirsti Rochon | At-large Trustee
Class of 1995, Bachelor of Arts, Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Why I Serve
Attending the UW was one of the best decisions I ever made. Even though I mostly grew up in Seattle, my first real visit was as a teenager meeting a friend on campus. I fell in love with the UW and experienced an immediate sense of being home.
My family are mostly artists – sculptors, painters, illustrators – so I was excited to immerse myself in studying art history. That experience expanded to include studying abroad in Spain and the opportunity to view iconic art firsthand. It’s a rare privilege to have one’s studies jump off the page and come to life in such a real way.
It inspired my own creativity. I spent many afternoons at Drumheller Fountain sketching the Rainier Vista. After all these years, I still find the beauty of the UW buildings, layout and general atmosphere to be breathtaking. My artistic confidence was encouraged by a figure drawing class with Michael Spafford, who continues to inspire me to this day. That class led to my work being included in a student showcase in downtown Seattle. The skills and validation I received helped lay the groundwork for my career as a graphic designer. I even honored my connection to the UW by painting a giant Husky mural in our home.
The UWAA is a powerful connector in bringing alumni together. From events to legislative advocacy, there are countless opportunities to get involved and give back. The future is a blank canvas. As a Trustee, I want to ensure future generations have every opportunity to paint their own, unique picture of life.