
Patrick Jenny, ’86, ’91 | At-large Trustee

Class of 1986, Bachelor of Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Class of 1991, Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Why I Serve

Most of my childhood was spent in Hawaii. While I was aware of the UW, I did not have extensive firsthand knowledge. However, I wanted to attend a major research university and the UW’s reputation preceded it. I was immediately impressed by the large scope of campus, but also discovered an equally strong sense of community. Despite its size, you can always find smaller pockets of fellowship. Being a Husky bonds people.

I have been fortunate to experience the UW from various angles. As part of my biology studies, I was privileged to partake in research and coauthor academic papers even as an undergraduate. The UW is exceptional in offering opportunities across all levels. After graduating, I worked in research at Seattle Children’s Hospital before deciding on a career change. I returned to the UW and earned a second degree in computer science, which launched my next professional chapter.

My daughters also graduated from the UW, which imparts a different perspective. I attended orientation and events as a parent. I witnessed how the UW cares for and nurtures young people, helps them grow and offers world-class opportunities. Regardless of age, it is a haven for active minds.

UW is an economic engine for our region, helps grow businesses and makes a positive societal impact across disciplines. It is an anchor. As a Trustee, I want to tell the story of the UW and continue advocating for future generations. The students graduating today will be caring for the world tomorrow.

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