at length
April 28, 2016
At Length with Touré

Touré talks about his own experiences with microaggressions.
March 3, 2016
At Length with Charles M. Payne

Afridi talks about interfaith empathy and “racialization” among Muslim peoples.
At Length with K. Tsianina Lomawaima

Lomawaima discusses the power stereotypes hold in our societies.
At Length with Mehnaz Afridi

Afridi talks about interfaith empathy and “racialization” among Muslim peoples.
February 2, 2016
At Length with Ralina Joseph

Joseph talks identity politics and how equity takes more than diversity alone.
May 29, 2015
At Length with Kathy Najimy

Najimy discusses drawing inspiration from 1970’s feminism, everyday prejudice in Hollywood and how women could change the world if they weren’t constantly struggling against society’s expectations for body image.
May 19, 2015
At Length with Regina M. Benjamin, M.D., M.B.A., 18th Surgeon General

Benjamin discusses rediscovering “the joy in being healthy,” the inevitable controversies of thinking outside the box and the origins of public health missions in America.
May 15, 2015
At Length with Shiriki Kumanyika

Dr. Kumanyika discusses the evolving landscape and presence of obesity within African-American demographics and giving people the tools to understand the health implications of their personal choices.
At Length with Bruce Blumberg

In this conversation with Steve Scher, Dr. Blumberg discusses obesogens, the hormone-disrupting chemicals that seem to change human metabolism.
At Length with Sonia Nazario

Nazario discusses her fraught and illuminating journey accompanying Central American minors atop Mexican freight trains and how U.S. policy will decide the fate of these children.
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