northern california
March 14, 2017
Alumni Giving Creates Opportunities for Cultural Immersion

Bob and Lydia Hellrich-Dawson on why they support students who study abroad.
March 1, 2017
Protectors of the Presidio

Robert and Christina Wallace lead the Presidio’s restoration and preservation
February 17, 2017
Painting by numbers: Engineering, art and data science

Susie Lu visualizes data for Netflix thanks to painting and engineering degrees.
April 27, 2016
Husky profile: Chris Wiggum, ’98

Higher education has two layers: academic experience and life experience. Some alumni like Chris Wiggum, ’98, have found ways to merge both.
February 18, 2015
Science for the people: research funding revolutionized

Meet Denny Luan,’11 and Cindy Wu, ’11, creators of Experiment, a platform for scientists to generate crowd-sourced funding and for the public to give directly to research that matters to them.