Husky 509
UW Board of Regents meets in Spokane
The UW Board of Regents traveled to Spokane in September for a community reception and its monthly meeting, the first of these meetings held in Spokane in many years. The community reception, held on September 7 at the historic Davenport Hotel, convened Regents, UW alumni and friends, and higher education leaders and supporters to celebrate new and ongoing partnerships and a shared commitment to eastern Washington.

UW President Ana Mari Cauce addresses the crowd at the reception

UW Dean and Vice Provost Ed Taylor

L to R: Tom Johnson (Spokane Teachers Credit Union President), Bob McCaslin (state representative), Todd Mielke (CEO, Greater Spokane Incorporated), Bill Ayer (UW Regent)

Student leaders L to R: Tanya Kumar (ASUW Bothell president), Berkan Koroglu (ASUW Tacoma president), Soh Yeun (Elloise) Kim (GPSS president) and Daniele MeƱez (ASUW president)

Gilbert Smith, M.D. ’64, and Christi Smith

L to R: Larry Lawton (instructor University of Washington/Eastern Washington University Region Initiatives in Dental Education program), Nancy Staub (Gonzaga professor) and Judd Case (Dean of Special Projects, Eastern Washington University)