UW News


Ways of Knowing featuring faculty from the UW College of Arts & Sciences - Season 2 coming soon

“Ways of Knowing” is an eight-episode podcast connecting humanities research with current events and issues. This season features faculty from the University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences as they explore race, immigration, history, the natural world – even comic books. Each episode analyzes a work, or an idea, and provides additional resources for learning more. 

“Ways of Knowing” is a collaboration between the The World According to Sound and the University of Washington. Podcast producers Sam Harnett and Chris Hoff – The World According to Sound – interviewed faculty on the UW campus in early 2023. 

Subscribe to “Ways of Knowing” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.

Click below for information on each episode as well as a full transcript.

Episode 1: Reading with Jesse Oak Taylor

Episode 2: Close Reading with Charles LaPorte

Episode 3: Closed Reading Redux with Habiba Ibrahim

Episode 4: Environmental Humanities with Louisa Mackenzie

Episode 5: Disability Studies with José Alaniz

Episode 6: Visual Literacy with Diana Flores Ruíz

Episode 7: Material Culture with Chadwick Allen

Episode 8: Translation with Maya Angela Eipe Smith
