Optional Mid-Quarter Feedback Form
The move to remote learning for the spring 2020 academic quarter posed many unique challenges for the UW community, the foremost arguably being adapting most courses from face-to-face to a remote learning environment. OEA recognized the need, more than ever, to ensure that instructors had the ability to gather feedback about their students’ learning experience during the quarter, not just at its conclusion. For that reason, OEA developed an opportunity for spring 2020 instructors to solicit feedback from students using an optional Form Z – Midterm Feedback, Remote Course. OEA continues to offer a mechanism to gather midterm feedback.
The Midterm Course Feedback form was designed through a collaboration between OEA research scientists and UW faculty senate leadership. Its purpose is to allow students to engage with their instructors part-way through the quarter regarding their learning experience in the course, allowing instructors to make changes or adjustments to improve student learning in the current remote learning environment. The following scaled items and open-ended prompts are formative in their orientation, mutually informative, and intended to provide instructors with actionable insights.
Scaled items [(5) Excellent (4) Very Good (3) Good (2) Fair (1) Poor (0) Very Poor]
1. My ability to engage with course concepts is:
2. My ability to keep up with course requirements and assignments is:
3. My instructor’s communication regarding course requirements and assignment is:
4. My instructor’s responsiveness to student questions and concerns is:
Open-ended prompts
5. What is helping your learning in this course?
6. What is hindering your learning in this course?
7. What can your instructor do to improve your learning in this course?
Student information
8. From where are you engaging with this course this quarter? [Choosing from a list of
locations/time zones]
IASystem™ items and forms are copyrighted with all rights reserved by the University of Washington.
In addition to these default items, instructors may add their own additional questions. The Form Z – Midterm Feedback, Remote Course or Form ZC – Midterm, Flexible will be available online through OEA’s Instructional Assessment System (IASystem) at the beginning of week 3 of the quarter. Instructors should work with their department’s IASystem coordinators to specify their own dates to gather feedback during this period. Reports from the Mid-Quarter Course Feedback Form will be available to instructors within 24 hours of the close date selected for their course(s).
OEA research scientists and UW faculty senate leadership also collaborated on a unique default form, Optional End-Of-Term Remote Course Evaluation form, for adoption/adaptation for end-of-term evaluation cycle should instructors wish to utilize it.