Office of Educational Assessment

Mariana Castañeda

Computer Support Analyst

Instructional Evaluation and Scanning Services, Scanning & Scoring

Telephone: (206) 616-7188


Mariana Castañeda previously worked as a work study student in the Office of Educational Assessment before joining the team in January 2019 as the Program Coordinator for the University of Washington IASystem™ course evaluation application. Mariana now supports our office as Computer Support Analyst for both UW Seattle ScorePak and Course Evaluation services.


Raised in Eastern Washington, graduated from Big Bend Community College with an AA and transferred to the University of Washington. Now an ECO (Education, Communities and Organizations) graduate exploring  the newer challenges of how to help keep students in college in order to graduate. Mariana hopes to investigate accessible resources students’ may need depending on their situation and geographical location in her future. She looks forward to serving communities, focusing but not limited to, those whose dominate language is not English and resources that are of service to them. We are excited to have Mariana join our team with her passions to be a part of course improvement through student feedback and assessment.