Office of Educational Assessment


The OEA Reports Series provides summaries of research and assessment findings. Please contact us to request copies of reports for which links are not available.

Recurring Assessment Surveys

Husky Check-Ins
UW alumni survey six months after graduation
UW alumni survey one year after graduation
UW alumni survey five and ten years after graduation
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
The Student Experience at the Research University (SERU)

University-wide Studies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Institutional Survey 2024, an evaluation report detailing findings from the AI Institutional Survey, which was used to seek feedback from UW community members on the AI Task Force’s proposed recommendations and better understand the impacts of AI technologies on UW community members’ learning, work, and research
UW Seattle Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Study 2019, a mixed methods study identifying which students are less likely to persist and graduate from UW, challenges they face, and facilitators of their success. This study is an extension of and expansion on the results of the UW Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Study 2014
UW Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Study 2014, a mixed methods study to learn which groups of students are more likely to leave the UW than others and why
UW Academic Challenge and Engagement Study (UW ACES), a summary of 33 departmental studies on academic challenge in the major with links to departmental reports
Undergraduate Student Work Life at the University of Washington, a mixed methods study examining the place of work in the lives of UW students
UW Senior Research Study (UW SRS), a focus group study examining the research experience of seniors in fifteen academic majors
UW Study of Undergraduate Learning (UW SOUL), a four-year study tracking 304 undergraduates through their years in college
UW Growth in Faculty Teaching Study (UW GIFTS), a study of how often faculty make changes in their teaching, what those changes are, and why they make them