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Husky Ready Orientation

Welcome to Husky Ready!

Husky Ready is the online continuity planning tool used by the University of Washington. You’ll use this tool to build your area’s continuity plan.​​ This guide will explain how to use the system. After you review the content, you’ll be ready to request access to Husky Ready and start planning.

Husky Ready access

After you complete this orientation, BARC will provide you with access to Husky Ready.

To login, go to the Husky Ready webpage and enter your UW NetID and password.

The homepage will show the navigation menu on the left side. Click on the purple box labeled Husky Ready to access your plan.

An image showing the landing page for Husky Ready with the menu on the left side and a purple icon with a book and arrow in the middle labeled Husky Ready.

​​Husky Ready planning pages

On the left side is the navigation menu, which is your table of contents. You can use it to jump from one section of the plan to another.

An image showing the planning page in Husky Ready, including the navigation menu on the left, Welcome message in the center and the Discard, Save, and Submit buttons on the top right.

Discard, save and submit buttons

Husky Ready Discard, Save and Submit buttons.

There are three buttons at the top right of every page: Discard, Save and Submit.

DISCARD will DELETE the form from the system. Avoid using this.​

SAVE is your best friend. Use it often to capture work in progress. You can return to the form at any time to pick up where you’ve left off.​

SUBMIT is ONLY used once you’ve completed the ENTIRE plan and will initiate the approval workflow. If you mistakenly click on it, contact for assistance.​

Important terms and concepts

There are some terms and concepts you will come across repeatedly in the form as you develop the plan. Understanding these concepts will make your plan more effective in guiding your department to a successful recovery.​

  • Key business functions should be action oriented as they describe work that leads to a deliverable or a final definable output (a department activity, service, or collection of activities/services) – not a department name, and not an object.​ They are not everything you do and are ideally limited to the top 5-7 for continuity planning.​
  • Impact severity ratings are completed for EACH business function. Consider how a disruption to the process would impact Life Safety, Operations, Brand & Reputation, Legal & Compliance, and Finance (loss of revenue or expenses).​
  • Single points of dependency (SPODs) are things that have no workaround or alternative and call out concerns that should be addressed (create Action Items to help track).​​
  • Key resources are what you must have to complete a business function.​
  • Continuity strategies are the sequential actions your department can take to help continue work through an incident (thus avoiding an actual disruption to the process), then restore and recover to a pre-incident state.

Tips for building your plan

  • When entering information, try to leave no blank fields. Enter N/A if necessary.​​
  • There is no right or wrong. Continuity planning is an iterative process, and all plans will be reviewed and updated on a regular cadence.​​
  • Do not overthink your responses. It’s OK to do the best you can with what you know.​​
  • After submitting your plan, it will be reviewed by the BARC office with a follow up to address any gaps or questions. UW-IT will also have an opportunity to review and validate technology data.​

Next step – complete the Husky Ready survey

Thank you for reviewing this material.​ It will provide context for everybody working on a plan and improve overall consistency in how plans are written.​

Please complete a post-orientation survey to be granted access to Husky Ready (expect an email in 3-5 days).

Questions? Contact me!​​

Jim Tritten​​
Continuity & Resiliency Program Manager​​