Community College Research Initiatives

January 15, 2024

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

On 01/15/1929, one of the most prominent philosophers, political leaders, and civil rights activists came into the world, Martin Luther King Junior. And it is on this day that we honor the memory of him and his call to action within his “I Have a Dream” speech. It is through these words that we continue to guide our research and action, towards a more equitable and inclusive world for all people moving through the education system.


Whether through our Rural Learner Success research, where we examine the processes of rural learners and how best to support them along their academic journey, or our STEM transfer research, where we continue to support and build connections across universities and community colleges for our future STEM leaders, we continue to move towards the future that King called for. As King describes, “Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives”. 


With this phrase in mind, we welcome you to join us in our celebration and progress toward the future King describes. As we take time to honor him, we gathered a list of resources for ourselves and want to share them with you.

The Seattle MLK Coalition

Northwest African American Museum

United Way of King County

University of Washington Women’s Center
The women’s center has recently launched a leadership and equity-based program with more updates to come.

UW Health Sciences MLK Tribute
The UW Health Sciences team has created a space for shared stories and connections regarding anti-racism and activism.