Community College Research Initiatives

The scholarly works published by members of the CCRI group in the last decade are posted here as well as on the corresponding research and research-to-practice project webpages. Additional references are available upon request.

We invite you to scroll to the end of the page to read our peer review statement.


Nuñez Martinez, M., Reed, J., and Wetzstein, L. (2024, December). Critical Mentorship Strategies for Supporting Rural Community College Students (Rural Learner Success Series, Data Note 2). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Wetzstein, L., Reed, J., Kovacich, K, & Nuñez Martinez, M. (2024, November). The Power of Partnership: Building Strong STEM Transfer Connections. (STEM Transfer Partnership Series, Data Note 5). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Wetzstein, L., Nuñez Martinez, M., & Kovacich, K. (2024, February). Progress in Improving STEM Transfer Partnerships Pathways (STEM Transfer Partnership Series, Data Note 4). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.


Nuñez Martinez, M., Cate, L., Wetzstein, L., & Kovacich, K. (2023, December). Landscape of Mentorship Programs at Rural Serving Community Colleges (Rural Learner Success Series, Data Note 1). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Cate, L., Wetzstein, L., & Kovacich, K. (2023, August). Learning from Students: How Teams Rethink Their STEM Transfer Process Through Student Input (STEM Transfer Partnership Series, Data Note 3). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Miller, J. M., Wetzstein, L., & Girardi, A. (2023, March). Creating a culture of student success innovation through institutional coaching. In E. Cox Brand (Ed.), Student success center network. New Directions for Community Colleges, 201, pp. 79–88. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Cate, L., Wetzstein, L., & Kovacich, K. (2023, February). Complex networks of community: Transformative partnership praxis for equitable STEM transfer (STEM Transfer Partnership Series, Data Note 2). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.


Torres, H., & Smith, T. (2022, September). Ten Ways Institutional Coaching Makes a Difference. Boston: Jobs for the Future.

Wetzstein, L., & Kovacich, K. (2022, September). How Tools Support and Student Success Center Coaching Programs. Boston: Jobs for the Future.

Wetzstein, L., Kovacich, K., Smith, T., Soja, J., Waugh, A., & Torres, H. (2022, August). Student Success Center Network Coaching Program: Facilitating Institutional Transformation. Boston: Jobs for the Future.

Cate, L., Wetzstein, L., & Kovacich, K. (2022, August). Initiative in Diversity, Equity, Antiracism, and Leadership Fellowship Evaluation Part II. Report prepared for WA SBCTC by Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Cate, L., Wetzstein, L., & Kovacich, K. (2022, August). Structuring STEM Transfer Partnership Success (STEM Transfer Partnership Series, Data Note 1). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Wetzstein, L., Allendoerfer, C., & Kovacich, K. (2022, April). Initiative in Diversity, Equity, Antiracism, and Leadership (IDEAL) Fellowship Evaluation. Report prepared for WA SBCTC by Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Yeh, T. L., & Wetzstein, L. (2022). Institutional Partnerships for Transfer Student Success: An Examination of Catalysts and Barriers to Collaboration. Community College Review.


Yeh, T.L. and Wetzstein, L. (2020). A Continuum of Transfer Partnerships: Toward Intentional Collaborations to Improve Transfer Outcomes. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2020(192), 21-35. DOI:10.1002/cc.20420

Bragg, D. D., Yeh, T. L., Wetzstein, L., & Meza, E. A. (Eds.). (2020). Transfer Partnerships for Improved Equity and Outcomes. New Directions for Community Colleges. 2020(192), 5-9. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. DOI: 10.1002/cc.20418

Wetzstein, L., Meza, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020, October). Washington Community College Baccalaureate Students: How Life Experiences Shape Baccalaureate Education, Employment and Economic Security (New Baccalaureate Series, DataNote10). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Baldwin, C., Kovacich, K., & Wetzstein, L. (2020, September). Student Success Center Network Coaching Program: Essential Design Elements from Five States. Boston: Jobs for the Future.

Harmon, T., & Bragg, D. D. (2020, July). Prospects for scaling community college baccalaureate degrees in six Great Lakes states (New Baccalaureate Series, Data Note 9). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Nolen, S.B., Wetzstein, L. and Goodell, A. (2020). Designing Material Tools to Mediate Disciplinary Engagement in Environmental Science. Cognition and Instruction. DOI: 10.1080/07370008.2020.1718677

Iverson, E., Bragg, D., & Eddy, P. (2020). How Faculty Change Agents Enact Midlevel Leadership in STEM. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2020(191), 67-79.

Iverson, E.R., & Wetzstein, L.J. (2020), Connecting Learning About the Earth to Societal Issues: Downstream Effects on Faculty Teaching. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, (2020)161, 35-52. doi:10.1002/tl.20372Special Issue Topic: Teaching and Learning about Sustainability in Higher Education.

Meza, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020, June). Comparison of the Employment and Earnings Outcomes of Washington Community College Baccalaureate Graduates and University Graduates (New Baccalaureate Series, DataNote8). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Meza, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020, June). Washington bachelor’s of applied science graduate employment and earnings outcomes (New Baccalaureate Series, DataNote7). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Bragg, D. D., Wetzstein, L., Meza, E. A. & Yeh, T. L. (2020, May). Transfer partnerships: Lessons to improve student success during and after COVID-19 (Transfer Partnerships Series, DataNote11). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Meza, E. A. (2020, March). Growth in enrollment and completion of STEM community college baccalaureate degrees in Washington State (New Baccalaureate Series, Data Note 6). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Blume, G. (2020, February). How do students earning CCB degrees compare to their peers at public universities in Washington State? (New Baccalaureate Series, Data Note 5). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Meza, E. A. & Bragg, D. D. (2020, February). Community college baccalaureate degree completion in Washington (New Baccalaureate Series, Data Note 4). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Nolen, Susan Bobbitt, Wetzstein, Lia, & Goodell, Alexandra. (2020). Designing Material Tools to Mediate Disciplinary Engagement in Environmental Science. Cognition and Instruction, 38(2), 1-45. Feel welcome to request a complimentary copy of the Version of Record manuscript by reaching out to Lia Wetzstein, Alternatively, you may view the postprint version.


Meza, E. A. (2019, December). Underserved community college students and the complexity of STEM transfer (STEM Series, Data Note 1). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Soler, M. C. (2019, November). Updating the national landscape: State adoption of community college baccalaureate degrees (New Baccalaureate Series, DataNote3). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington. 

Meza, A. E. (2019, August). The Community College Baccalaureate in Washington: Who Enrolls? (New Baccalaureate Series, Data Note 2). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Yeh, L. and Wetzstein, L. (2019, April). Institutional Partnerships for Transfer Student Success: An Examination of Catalysts and Barriers to Collaboration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Wetzstein, L., Yeh, L., and Bragg, D. (2019, February). Multiple Ways of Enacting Partnerships for Transfer Student Success: What Promotes and Impedes Collaborations. Paper presented at National Institute for the Study of Transfer (NISTS) Conference.

Blume, G., & Meza, A. E. (2019, February). Identifying effective and equitable institutions for transfer students: Exploring the contribution of the pair in multilevel models (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 10). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Bragg, D. D. (2019, January). The evolving landscape for new baccalaureate degrees in the United States (New Baccalaureate Series, DataNote1). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Taylor, J. L. & Giani, M. (2019, January). Modeling the effect of the reverse credit transfer associate’s degree: Evidence from two states (CWID Series, Research Brief). The Review of Higher Education. Baltimore.

Wetzstein, L. & Yeh, T. L. (2019, January). Transfer partnerships: The importance of a culture of collaboration (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 9). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Yeh, T. L. & Wetzstein, L. (2019, January). The dynamic nature of transfer partnerships: Catalysts and barriers to collaboration (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 8). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Cortes-Lopez, E. & Taylor, J. L. & Giani, M. (2019, January). Reverse credit transfer and the value of the associate’s degree: multiple and contradictory meanings (CWID Series, Research Brief). Community College Journal of Research and Practice, (44)1, 61-77, DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2018.1556358


Soler, M. C. & Meza, E. A. (2018, December). Exploring characteristics of students who demonstrate multi-institutional attendance patterns (MIAP) in two states (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 7). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Yeh, T. L. & Wetzstein, L. (2018, December). Recognizing variation: a typology of transfer partnerships (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 6). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Yeh, T. L. (2018, August). State policy and its impact on collaboration to promote transfer in Minnesota (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 5). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Wetzstein, L. (2018, June). High-performing transfer partnerships and promising practices (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 4). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Soler, M. C., Meza, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2018, March). Initial research on multi-institutional attendance patterns and racial equity (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 3). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Meza, E. A., Bragg, D. D., & Blume, G. (2018, February). Including racial equity as an outcome measure in transfer partnerships (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 2). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Yeh, T. L. (2018, January). Introduction to the high-performing transfer partnerships study (Transfer Partnerships Series, Data Note 1). Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.


Bragg, D. D. (2017, September). Transfer Matters: Forward to the Special Issue on Transfer. Community College Review, 45(4), 267-272. doi:10.1177/0091552117728572

Taylor, J., Kauppila, S. A., Cortez-Lopez, E., Soler, M. C., Bishop, C., Meza, E., McCambly, H., & Bragg, D. D. (2017, May). The Implementation and Outcomes of Credit When It’s Due (CWID) in 15 states. Seattle, WA: Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

Malin, J. R., Bragg, D. D., & Hackmann, D. G. (2017). College and Career Readiness and the Every Student Succeeds Act. Educational Administration Quarterly, 53(5), 809–838.

Wheatle, K., Taylor, J., Bragg, D. D., & Ajinkya, J. (2017). The Potential of Degree Reclamation: A path to reclaiming the nation’s unrecognized students and degrees. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Higher Education Policy.

Bragg, D. D. (2017). The case for evaluating student outcomes and equity gaps to improve pathways and programs of study. D. Jackson Smith & S. Starobin (Eds.). New Directions for Community Colleges, 178, 55-66.

Bragg, D. D., & Soler, M. C. (2017). Policy Narratives on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees: Implications for Student Access to and Progression Through College in the United States. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 69(1), 123-146.

Yeh, T. L. (2017). Process evaluation: College Access Corps Program 2014-17. Final report prepared for Washington Campus Compact.


Bragg, D. D., & Krismer, M. (2016). Using career pathways to guide students through programs of study. N. Maxwell, & A. Person (Eds.), New Directions for Community Colleges, 176, 63-72.

Bragg. D. D., McCambly, H., & Durham, B. (2016). Catching the spark: Student activism and student data as a catalyst for systemic transformation. Change, 48(3), 36-47.

Bragg, D. D., & Soler, M. C. (2016). Shining light on higher education’s newest baccalaureate degrees and the research needed to understand their impact. In X. Wang (Ed.), New Directions for Institutional Research, 170, 61-72.

Plecki, M. L., Elfers, A. M., St. John, E., & Yeh, T. L. (2016). Practitioners’ responses to Washington’s required use of student growth measures in teacher evaluation. In: Kappler Hewitt K., & Amrein-Beardsley A. (Eds.), Student Growth Measures in Policy and Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Meza, E. A., & Zumeta, W. (2016). Public Higher Education. In J. C. Shin & P. Teixeira (Eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions (pp. 1–10). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.


Pickel, J., & Bragg, D. D. (2015). Pathways to Results: How Practitioners Address Student Access, Outcomes, and Equity in an Associate Degree Nursing Program. New Directions for Community Colleges, 172, 43-55.

Bragg, D. D. (2015). President Obama’s career-technical education and workforce development Initiatives: Will they matter? E. Zamani-Gallaher (Ed.), The Obama Administration and Educational Reform: Toward New 21st Century Schools for the Global Knowledge Economy. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Zamani-Gallaher, E., Lester, J., Bragg, D. D., & Hagedorn, L. (Eds.). (2015). The community college reader (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Plecki, M. L., Elfers, A. M. & Yeh, T. L. (2015). Washington’s Teacher and Principal Evaluation System: Efforts to Support Professional Development. Research commissioned by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Seattle, WA: Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy, University of Washington.

Plecki, M. L., Elfers, A. M., St. John, E., & Yeh, T. L. (2015). Washington’s Teacher and Principal Evaluation System: Goal Setting and Measures of Student Growth for Instructional Improvement. Final report prepared for the WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.


Bragg, D. D., & Taylor, J. (2014). Toward college readiness: How different models produce similar results. American Behavioral Scientist, 1-24.

Meza, E., & Zumeta, W. (2014). Policies and Patterns in US For-Profit Higher Education. International Higher Education, 76(Summer), 13–14.

Oertle, K., & Bragg, D. D. (2014). Transitioning students with disabilities: Community college policies and practices. Journal of Disability Policy Studies.


Bragg, D. D. (2013). Pathways to college for underserved and nontraditional students: Lessons from research, policy and practice. In A. Jones & L. Perna (Eds.), The state of college access and completion (pp. 34-56). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor Francis.

Knapp, M. S., Feldman, S., & Yeh, T. L. (2013). Learning-focused leadership in urban high schools: Response to demanding environments. Journal of School Leadership, 23(2), 253-286.

Ruud, C. M., & Bragg, D. D. (2013). Applied baccalaureate degrees in the context of baccalaureate education. In N. Remington & R. Remington (Eds.), Alternative pathways to the baccalaureate: Do community colleges offer a viable solution to the nation’s knowledge deficit? Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.


Knapp, M. S. & Yeh, T. L. (2012). Student diversity: Clarifying meanings. In J.A. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education (pp. 2088-2091). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Yeh, T. L. (2010). Service-learning and persistence of low-income, first-generation college students: An exploratory study. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 16(2), 50-65.

Peer Review Statement

CCRI uses internal and/or external peer review before posting our research. Our peer review process includes one to two internal team members and often an external reviewer who may be a scholar in the field of expertise associated with the publication. The acknowledgment section on the last page of each data note publication lists the project grant funders and contract number.