April 30, 2020
CCRI Transfer Brief and Twitter Chat!
Join us Friday, May 15, 2020, 10-11:30 am, Pacific time, for a Twitter chat, #CCRIchat, addressing the importance of transfer working for students navigating higher education during COVID 19. Follow us on Twitter to see updates and questions for the chat. In advance, we invite you to read our latest transfer brief that synthesizes themes from a…
December 13, 2019
Data note on the Complexity of STEM Transfer for Underserved Students
We’re pleased to release a new data note from CCRI’s research on STEM, authored by research scientist, Elizabeth Apple Meza titled, Underserved Community College Students and the Complexity of STEM Transfer. Abstract Community college students aspiring to transfer into STEM majors at a four-year institution face a complicated and nuanced admissions process. In some cases, students…
December 3, 2019
ASHE Conference Presentations
Our team’s research was well-received at this year’s Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference in Portland, November 13th – 16th, 2019. Learn more about each presentation CCRI was involved in below and click on the titles to open their respective slide deck: >>Advancing Evidence-Based Policy: Meta-Analysis Findings from TAACCCT<< Presented by Grant…
October 22, 2019
Upcoming conferences to hear from CCRI!
Competency-Based Education Network’s (C-BEN) CBExchange 2019 Conference, Palm Springs, CA, October 24, 2019. Learning and Leading Forward: Research-based Lessons to Enhance CBE 2.0 for Working Adults at Salt Lake Community College, Eric Heiser, Dean, Salt Lake Community College, Debra Bragg, President, Bragg & Associates, Inc. This session presents evaluation results from a Department of Labor Trade Adjustment…
April 16, 2019
AERA Annual Meeting 2019

CCRI researchers enjoyed presenting research on high performing transfer partnerships and faculty as change agents at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in April. It is great to engage and learn from our colleagues at these events – especially those who show up ready to ask questions at 8 a.m. sessions!
March 12, 2019
NISTS Conference 2019
Transfer as part of the path toward bachelor’s degree attainment is increasingly more common and often the route taken by underserved students. The recent National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS) conference experienced record attendance this year demonstrating an increased interest in studying and sharing best practices on the transfer process and efforts to impact education equity….
February 14, 2019
HPTP Data Note 10: Transfer Research and Multilevel Models
Structural, financial, and information barriers at both two- and four- institutions complicate the process of student transfer. Current research on the topic does not adequately address the shared responsibility between these institutions, or examine possible differences in transfer success rates by race. In Data Note 10 of the High-Performing Partnerships (HPTP) study, CCRI researchers contribute to…
January 21, 2019
Understanding Reverse Credit Transfer
The latest studies in the Credit When It’s Due (CWID) initiative examine student perceptions of associate degrees and how reverse credit transfer influences retention and bachelor’s degree attainment.
December 28, 2018
HPTP Data Note 7: Characteristics of MIAP students in two states

Researchers at the University of Washington found that non-linear transfer pathways from community colleges to universities differ by race and Pell grant eligibility. The findings indicate that research about college transfer should more closely examine non-traditional pathways to inform policies and programs that serve these students.
December 14, 2018
HPTP Data Note 6: A Typology of Transfer Partnerships

While there is increasing interest in how transfer partnerships between colleges and universities impact student outcomes, a clear definition of partnerships remains elusive. Researchers at the Community College Research Initiative (CCRI) developed a framework that institutions can use to evaluate the quality of existing partnerships, or as a guide for starting new partnerships.
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