April 20, 2016
CWID Data Note 7: Transfer Research Gaps
Future research on community college transfer needs to explore access and success among underserved populations, partnerships between two- and four-year institutions and the impact of policy. These recommendations emerged from a meeting of 18 transfer research scholars at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2016 meeting.
March 25, 2016
CWID Data Note 6: Outcomes of Reverse Transfer Degree Audits
While CWID Data Note 5 explored the impact of state eligibility requirements on whether students qualify for reverse transfer, Data Note 6 dives into why many eligible students still do not receive an associate’s.
March 20, 2016
CWID Data Note 3: Does the Associate’s Degree Matter?
A fundamental question associated with reverse transfer policies relates to the value of the associate’s degree. In 2015 when the Credit When It’s Due initiative was underway, research on the impact of receiving an associate’s degree after transfer was limited. In Data Note 3, CWID researchers helped close that gap by exploring the influence of…
March 19, 2016
CWID Data Note 5: Reverse Transfer Eligibility Requirements

The state-level criteria for reverse transfer eligibility impacts the number of students who will qualify for the opportunity to earn an associate’s while on a baccalaureate degree path. As part of the Credit When it’s Due Initiative (CWID), researchers closely examined the impact that eligibility requirements had on students in Colorado.
March 15, 2016
CWID Data Note 2: Reverse Transfer Legislation

The second data note in the Credit When It’s Due (CWID) initiative examined the prevalence and nature of state legislation and institutional reverse transfer programs in 2015.
January 10, 2016
CWID Data Note 1: Cumulative and Reverse Transfer Credit Policies
This first in a data note series that draws upon student-level data collected to answer key questions of interest in the CWID community related to reverse transfer and transfer more broadly. Originally published in 2015, the series reported emerging results from the CWID initiative and still informs ongoing development and implementation of reverse transfer policies.
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