Community College Research Initiatives

August 20, 2020

Transition Coming for CCRI

Welcome Dr. Lia Wetzstein, our new Acting Director of CCRI We’ve seen tremendous change in education and the economy since Community College Research Initiatives (CCRI) opened its doors on May 1, 2016. Since those early days, we at CCRI have used our research skills to study policy and program improvements to transfer and baccalaureate attainment,…

July 22, 2020

CCRI awarded UW’s Resilience Lab seed grant

CCRI awarded UW’s Resilience Lab seed grant to support transfer students in 2020-2021 Our team is honored to be a recipient of one of the University of Washington’s Resilience Lab seed grants. Our applied research project will lift up the incoming transfer student experience to discover ways to support the growth of their resilience and…

July 21, 2020

Twitter chat summary on racial equity & coaching for college reform

So what happened? On June 10, 2020, we facilitated a Twitter chat on how organizations and coaches of higher education reform are embracing transformative change centered on racial justice and as we continue to engage in this and student success work during these unprecedented times, we invite you to read and utilize our collection of equity-minded coaching…

July 8, 2020

CCRI racial equity publications

As we continue to engage in racial justice and student success work during these unprecedented times, we invite you to read and utilize our collection of equity-minded coaching briefs and tools in your transformative change efforts using a racial equity lens. Brief: Coaching for More Equitable Student Outcomes Brief: Integrating Racial Equity into Guided Pathways The Equity…

June 25, 2020

Join us! Twitter chat on racial equity in education reform

We’re hosting our next Twitter chat! And we are excited to invite you to join us Friday, July 10, 10 -11 a.m., Pacific Standard Time, with an optional extra 30 minutes for questions. Please follow us on Twitter to see updates and use the hashtag #CCRIchat in your tweets along with A1 (answer 1 for question…

June 23, 2020

Connecting Learning About the Earth to Societal Issues: Downstream Effects on Faculty Teaching

This past Spring we had CCRI’s very own Lia Wetzstein’s work published! Read about the paper below, then download the article directly or access via Wiley Online Library. About this article This study provides an empirical look at the impact on instructors interacting with sustainability curriculum in different ways across multiple institutions and disciplines via InTeGrate….

June 11, 2020

CCRI Statement on Racial Equity and Call to Action

We condemn the racism, discrimination, and fear that permeates communities across our nation. We stand in solidarity with protesters and activists who condemn the racial injustice that pervades America, and we commit ourselves to do our part in seeking immediate change toward racial justice. We understand that the racial inequity documented in decades of educational…

April 30, 2020

CCRI Transfer Brief and Twitter Chat!

Join us Friday, May 15, 2020, 10-11:30 am, Pacific time, for a Twitter chat, #CCRIchat, addressing the importance of transfer working for students navigating higher education during COVID 19. Follow us on Twitter to see updates and questions for the chat.  In advance, we invite you to read our latest transfer brief that synthesizes themes from a…

April 24, 2020

New America

Hear from our Director about how community colleges can help their communities recover from COVID-19. As well as why the US government should assist them to do so based on lessons learned from the TAACCCT grant!

March 5, 2020

Growth in Enrollment and Completion of STEM Community College Baccalaureate Degrees in Washington State

Washington State is experiencing substantial growth in the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) Community College Baccalaureate (CCB)1 programs. Student enrollments in STEM CCB programs are also growing, providing an opportune time to study these students and their enrollment in and completion of STEM CCB programs. This research on STEM CCB programs shows women complete degrees at…

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