Community College Research Initiatives

June 27, 2019

Three Keys to Launching Bachelor’s Programs at a Community College

We’re pleased to share a recent article on expanding community college baccalaureate programs written by Ivy Love, a policy analyst with one of our partners, the Center on Education & Skills, New America (CESNA), published by the online higher education newspaper, EvoLLLution , June 12. We found these insights informative and hope you and your…

April 25, 2019

CCRI Receives NSF ATE Grant

The UW Community College Research Initiatives is pleased to announce we received an NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant in partnership with the UW Evans School of Public Policy & Governance to study and scale-up data-informed improvements to technical education programs.

April 18, 2019

Research-to-Practice for Washington SBCTC

Recently CCRI had the opportunity to partner with the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) to share transfer and applied baccalaureate research with professionals across the state.

Mourning the Loss of Debbie McGhee

Our CCRI team grieves the passing of Deborah McGhee. Debbie devoted her life’s work to UW where she was a campus leader of outcomes assessment. Her leadership, competence and caring approach was widely admired. She inspired us and so many more to find meaning in our work and create meaningful opportunities for learning for our students.

April 16, 2019

AERA Annual Meeting 2019

CCRI researchers enjoyed presenting research on high performing transfer partnerships and faculty as change agents at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in April. It is great to engage and learn from our colleagues at these events – especially those who show up ready to ask questions at 8 a.m. sessions! 

April 15, 2019

Developing Faculty Change Agents: CSCC Presentation Recap

Improving access to STEM education and jobs depends in part on rethinking how science is taught in the classroom and how students are introduced to career pathways. CCRI’s Debra Bragg is an external evaluator for an NSF-funded project that supports and encourages faculty to lead that kind of change. In March, she joined the researchers…

March 15, 2019

CCRI at NISTS 2019

At the NISTS 2019 conference our very own Lia Wetzstein, Ling Yeh, and Debra Bragg led a session on understanding the multiple ways partnerships are enacted and what policy, practice, and cultural norms promote or inhibit these collaborations. Our team drew upon qualitative data from one of our larger multi-state, mixed-methods studies of two and four-year…

March 13, 2019

CCBA Conference 2019

CCRI shared recent work on community college baccalaureates (CCB) alongside partners from New America at the Community College Baccalaureate Association conference last week. In addition to presenting the results of a national landscape study, the researchers also facilitated a session on equity concerns and tactics for CCBs. The Evolving Landscape for Community College Baccalaureates Recently…

March 12, 2019

NISTS Conference 2019

Transfer as part of the path toward bachelor’s degree attainment is increasingly more common and often the route taken by underserved students. The recent National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS) conference experienced record attendance this year demonstrating an increased interest in studying and sharing best practices on the transfer process and efforts to impact education equity….

February 14, 2019

HPTP Data Note 10: Transfer Research and Multilevel Models

Structural, financial, and information barriers at both two- and four- institutions complicate the process of student transfer. Current research on the topic does not adequately address the shared responsibility between these institutions, or examine possible differences in transfer success rates by race. In Data Note 10 of the High-Performing Partnerships (HPTP) study, CCRI researchers contribute to…

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