Central CFR is committed to fostering communication, coordination and collaboration among UW colleagues working in corporate and foundation relations. We hold monthly roundtables to share and discuss timely topics, including best practices, trends and challenges, with the goal of increasing the University’s ability to build engagement and partnership with corporations, foundations and other organizations. All UW employees interested in corporate and foundation relations are welcome to attend. Sign up here for Corporate & Industry Relations and Foundation Relations email lists (UW-only).
Regular CFR Roundtables are paused for the 2024-2025 academic year. If topical gatherings are planned, they will be announced via the above email lists.
Recordings (UW-only)
Stay tuned for future recordings.
Past topics
- Annual trends and benchmarking of institutional CFR support
- Central strategic organizations
- CFR Equity Taskforce
- Committee on GAP Impacts
- CoMotion and UW Innovation with Vice Provost for Innovation and CoMotion Director Francois Baneyx
- Conference takeaways and best practices from NACRO, CASE CFR, UIDP, Minnowbrook and AFP
- Corporate assessment
- Corporate headlines
- Corporate in kind giving
- Equitable storytelling
- GIM 34 updates and new tools for gift vs. sponsored program determination
- Gift acceptance policy for CFR
- Growing corporate engagement with advisory boards
- Intricate relationships
- Limited Submission Opportunities (LSO) Program
- Maximizing standing meetings
- Matched funding for foundation awards
- Mellon Foundation, Microsoft and the Norcliffe Foundation
- Metrics
- Milestones in a company
- Onboarding CFR fundraisers
- Partnering with faculty
- Pipeline development
- Population Health Initiative
- Program officers
- Proposal development
- Research tools with Prospect Research
- Sponsorship
- State of the research with Vice Provost for Research Mary Lidstrom
- Stewardship for corporations and foundations
- Stewardship letters
- Trends in corporate and foundation giving