Strategies and Initiatives
Mark A. Emmert
- Announcements from the President.

Office of the Provost Information and links to other websites associated with the Provost's Office


Teachers for a New Era Proposal to the Carnegie Corporation of New York

Tools for Transformation

In order to allow programmatic change to go from isolated examples to a way of life at the UW, the Tools for Transformation program was established. These resource and management tools were allocated to enable departments and programs to respond to new challenges and to remove impediments to change, in order to achieve institutional and unit goals.

University Initiatives Fund (UIF)

The University Initiatives Fund (UIF) is a mechanism for reallocating University resources to fund innovative new programs. The UIF was introduced in January 1996. Funding comes from one percent assessments on all University operating budgets.

Advanced Technology Initiative (ATI)

For more information about "Advanced Technology Initiative," contact Malcolm Parks at .

Task Forces and Committees

You will see a list of task forces and committees created by the Provost or the President to help them in their decision-making processes. These are descriptive titles, with links to the reports, listed in reverse chronological order.