Community Engagement

Community Engagement Core Team

2024-5 Community Engagement Core Team

The tri-campus Community Engagement Core Team is leading the implementation of the 2024-5 work plan.

  1. Kara Adams, Director, Community Engagement and Strategic Partnerships, UW Bothell
  2. Rachel Berney, Director, Urban@UW; Associate Professor, Urban Design and Planning, UW Seattle
  3. Jen Davison, Project Director, Community Engagement; Co-Director, Urban@UW Research to Action Collaboratory
  4. Fran Lo, Executive Director, UW Community Engagement and Leadership Education Center, UW Seattle
  5. Kathryn Pursch Cornforth, Director of Community Engagement, UW Community Engagement and Leadership Education Center, UW Seattle
  6. Julia Smith, Executive Administrator, Office of Community Partnerships, UW Tacoma
  7. Layla Taylor, Project Manager, Capacity-Building For Community Engagement, UW Tacoma
  8. Vanessa Studnick, Technical Project Manager, Community Engagement Management System