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Teaching kids the language of code

Second grader learning code
Second grader learning code Photo: photo

Founder of Seattle-based non-profit will be on campus at 7 pm this Thursday, May 8, where he will will talk about the impact of the “Hour of Code” for students of all ages, and what parents, educators and policymakers can do to prepare students for science, technology, math and engineering jobs.Registration for this free event is on EventBrite.

Annual Windermere Cup races May 3

2013 Windermere Cup
2013 Windermere Cup Photo: UW photo

The University of Washington will meet the Great Britain National Team for the 28th annual Windermere Cup this Saturday, May 3rd, on Lake Washington.More than 800 rowers compete in this Northwest tradition, part of Opening Day for boating season. Admission is free and viewing is available on the shores of the Montlake Cut, or by boats anchored to a log boom in Lake Washington. The UW has placed first in this event every year but six since 1987.

Social Work events in May will address labor justice issues

Kane Hall mural about workforce struggles
Kane Hall mural about workforce struggles Photo: University of Washington

The  School of Social Work will host a series of discussions called Working Together for Labor Justice in May, Labor History Month. Descriptions of each event, including  fair wages, immigrant workers, working conditions, the right to organize, and global workforce issues is available online. All will be held at the School of Social Work, 4101 15th Avenue NE.