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UW researcher confirms cloudier than usual weather

If you think we’ve been experiencing a colder than usual spring and summer, UW Research Associate James Johnstone from the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean in the UW College of the Environment can back you up. Based on data gathered from 44 weather stations across Washington state, Johnstone found that recent weather patterns are the coldest and cloudiest for any spring since 1900.

Free pass for military families

Did you know that the Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture is a member of the Blue Star Museum program,offering free admission  to immediate family members of active duty US Military when they show their active military ID at the front desk? The Burke is one of 1,500 museums across America offering military families a chance to visit museums this summer when many will have limited resources and limited time to be together.

Enjoying the night sky

July is an excellent time to visit the Theodor Jacobsen Observatory, near the north entrance to campus. Built in 1895, it still offers celestial views of the universe through several telescopes, including the 120-year old six-inch refractor telescope.  The observatory is open the first and third Wednesdays of each month through September (9-11 pm), when public lectures are also offered.  For more details about the talks, or to read about the observatory’s history, visit the Theodor Jacobson Observatory website.