The first Farmers Market in Seattle was organized by Chris Curtis (’73) in the University District in the early 1990s. Curtis went on to form the Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance of seven food/farm markets throughout Seattle, some of which have been recognized by Forbes Magazine, the US News travel section, KOMO News, and Seattle Weekly. For more information, see UW in Seattle Neighborhoods.
News and Updates
A UW “i” on the future
iOn the Future, a new 60-minute documentary about the UW Information School, will debut on channel 27 (UWTV) at 8 p.m tonight, September 18.
The documentary will also air regularly through fall and winter on UWTV, or you can watch iOn the Future online.
CUCAC Meeting Notes, June 2012
Summaries of recent meetings (in .PFD format) of the City University Community Advisory Committee are below:
Complexities of Cuba examined
To explore Cuba’s complex relationship with the U.S., the UW’s Comparative History of Ideas Program (CHID) and Spanish & Portuguese Studies (SPS) developed a study abroad program in Cuba, offered for the first time during Summer Quarter 2012.
Upcoming opportunities for high school students
Three free events in October are designed to encourage high school students to pursue higher education as they experience the University of Washington:
Essence of Success is a one-day conference on Saturday, October 20 for African-American high school seniors interested in attending UW Seattle.
Esperanza En Educacion is a one-day conference on Saturday, October 27 for Latino high school seniors who are interested in attending UW Seattle.
Readiness for Islander Success in Education Conference (RISE) is a one-day conference on Friday, October 26 for Pacific Islander high school juniors and seniors interested in UW Seattle.
These events are open to all students regardless of race/ethnic background. Please note deadlines as space is limited and acceptance will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please see links for additional details and required application materials.