The new “W Fund” will use $20 million of venture capital to help launch promising start-ups spinning out of the University of Washington and other research institutions both locally and across the state.
News and Updates
Library exhibit takes a look back — at the ‘World of Tomorrow’
A new UW Libraries Special Collections exhibit takes viewers a half-century back in time to the Seattle World’s Fair, when John Kennedy and John Glenn were national heroes and outer space was the “New Frontier”.
Regents express concern for future of public higher education in Washington
On June 7, the University of Washington Board of Regents adopted a declaration regarding the sustainability of public higher education in Washington state.
UW Regents finalize tuition decision
On June 7, the University of Washington Board of Regents adopted the University of Washington’s operating budget for fiscal 2013, including a 16% tuition increase for undergraduate resident students. Why is tuition increasing? You can learn more by reading the answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
CUCAC Meeting Agenda, June 2012
CUCAC will meet briefly on Tuesday evening, June 12, to discuss changes to parking restrictions within urban centers and near transit centers.
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Time: 7:00 – 8:15 PM
Place: UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Avenue
Seattle, WA 98105
22nd Floor