At a recent news conference, Ali Tarhouni, a senior lecturer at the UW’s Foster School of Business who took a leave last February to help lead the revolution in Libya, discusses what he found there and the United States’ “moral and courageous stand” in supporting the cause against Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi.
News and Updates
Seasons Greetings!
The Office of Regional Relations extends warmest holiday wishes to all of our friends and neighbors and invites you to view a special seasonal greeting from UW President Michael Young.
Classes at the UW will resume January 3. Suzzallo & Allen Libraries will generally remain open Monday – Friday, but please check schedules.
Vintage children’s books in library display
Looking for something charming (and free) to entertain holiday company? Take them to Special Collections in the Allen Library (downstairs) where about 150 pieces of pop-up and moveable children’s books, some dating to the 17th century, are now on display as part of a new exhibit called Merry Company: Pop-ups, Movables & Toy Books. Suzzallo also has a smaller display of vintage books, located by the stairs leading to the Allen Library. The exhibit runs through March 16, 2012.
Holiday Trees 101
If putting up a holiday tree is on your weekend agenda, you may want to check the on-line Elisabeth C. Miller Library at UW Botanic Gardens for tips on introducing a living tree to your home. The site also offers suggestions about using cut trees in your garden when the holidays are over.
Not interested in decorating a tree? How about eating conifer seedlings, as a lemony addition to salads? Details available from UW Farm.
(By the way, UW arborists remind readers that campus trees and tree limbs are not available for cutting, and that violators can face stiff fines. They ask that everyone remember that our beautiful campus trees are for everyone to enjoy!)
CUCAC Meeting Agenda, December 2011
The University of Washington Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) will hold its 114th meeting on Tuesday December 13, 7:00 – 8:30 PM at UW Tower.
Items on the agenda will include an update on UW sustainability efforts and a presentation on UW Police Department potential building sites. Both powerpoints in pdf format are posted below.